DCML digest #808
Don Rosa
donrosa at iglou.com
Sat Jan 19 06:28:20 CET 2002
From: Rob Klein
>>>Thanks Don, for the reference. I know the WDC secondary story you found
Grandma referred to as "Elviry" was NOT WDC 132, whose Grandma Duck story
drawn by Barks. So, it must have been one of the other Western Pub.
and artists. I am curious to know in which WDC issue it was printed.
I checked my old research notes for the "Lo$" and I see it was in WDC&S
#121, which I think was the very first Grandma Duck comic book story.
Another issue in that same range had the name of her deceased husband,
Humperdink Duck, in another scrapbook scene... but it was David who told me
about that so perhaps he recalls that issue #.
>>>Your reference has now jogged my brain. I seem to remember Grandma
referred to
as "Elviry" in Al Taliaferro's Donald Duck strip (I believe it was in a
1930s strip. It makes sense that HE might have named her, as he was in on
introduction of various characters to the Duck universe. Can anyone
us on this matter?
If that were so, it would be another shock and another delight for me! But
I somehow doubt it. Maybe those Italians will know...
>>>Three cheers for Soeren!!!! I second his comments on the opinion that
we have
beat to death the argument over the colour of coins and other small
There are enough Disney Duck story pages printed each month to please both
the "purists" and the "laissez faire" (wider taste) fans.
That's what *I* say, but s'funny, I read those same words, and to me it
read as a proclamation that any stories that had X.3% of the story facts
being consistent rather than X% as he preferred were all improper and
*that's* why the discussion was moot. But let's hope your kinder
interpretation was more accurate.
>>>Let us move on, eh?
Well, me, I get bored by discussions of all these European Duck stories
that I have never seen and never will see, but people should discuss
whatever they wanna here, and you and I can just skip past those messages
that don't interest us, eh? "It's all grist for the mill".
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