A question about vegetables and translations
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
sigvald4 at yahoo.no
Thu Jun 27 11:03:21 CEST 2002
"R. Kooijman" <r.kooijman4 at chello.nl> skrev:
>> It's CUCUMBER. Difficult that one, I had to
>> check the dictionary myself. It's easier with
>> tomat/tomato, eple/apple, etc.
> My translater program gives the word gherkin
> for "augurk". So it seems to be easy too ;-)
> (A cucumber is quite longer of form than a
> gherkin...)
The Norwegian for "gherkin" is "sylteagurk".
By the way - the vegetables mentioned by Barks in
"Forbidden Valley" - are they cucumbers (as in the
Norwegian translation) or are they gherkins?
Sigvald :-)
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