D.CML diU.gest, VC.ol 1 #86K.1

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Wed Mar 13 14:56:13 CET 2002

Subject: Forget it!
To: dcml at stp.ling.uu.se
From: "Anders Christian=?ISO-8859-1?Q?_Siveb=BEk?="
>>>>Just a note to tell all Rosa-readers here that the new story Forget it
out in Scandinavia now.

...And I've already gotten about 10 messages from people who can't find the
"D.U.C.K." in the splash panel. Well, it's there, but I made it very tiny,
not knowing that the colorist would unintentionally obscure it with dark
coloring. It's also an instance when the letters do not appear all together,
but appear nearby each other in matching spots -- past examples of this
"rule of hiding" would be in each of a camel's 4 knees, or in each of the 4
arms of a crucifix.
I guess some people might want to hunt a little more, so that's all I'll say
for now.

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