Canon fodder Danehog at
Mon Nov 25 21:19:15 CET 2002

VIC wrote:

>Lars wrote: 
>> I agree. *All* Duck stories are fictional, as is the
>> universe they take
>> place in. And the Duck universe has had hundreds of
>> co-creators who
>> sometimes contradict each other. Which is why (as
>> I've stated earlier),
>> I don't see any point in claiming a particular Duck
>> story is "canon" and
>> another one isn't.
>> If I don't make any sense, it's because I'm tired.
>You make perfect sense. I agree with your agreement.

As do I. When so many writers and artists are involved in the creation of a 
single "universe," you're bound to have many differences and tweakings--after 
all, each creator has a different interpretation of Duckburg and its 
residents. (And you really can't deny them of that.)

I don't think looking at anything as true "canon" is the way to go, because 
that would present even more plotholes and contradictions. In large, complex 
mainstream titles such as the Disney Ducks, you really can't take one way or 
the other seriously.

That is, it's great to look at Don Rosa's "Life of Scrooge" arc as a nice 
collection of all of Barks' Scrooge-facts--and it's easy to generally accept 
the whole thing as an accurate "set-in-stone" fact-fest about Scrooge's life. 
But an obscure European artist might have a completely different idea about 
Scrooge's life, and I think that's perfectly acceptable.

The Duck universe isn't really something that should have set boundaries, if 
you ask me.

(Please don't burn me for the repetition of this message! I'm a first-time 
Dane Martin
"I don't know from alliteration 
or simile, but if you lazy little 
loafers don't get to school, 
I'll peel you like spuds!"
-- Donald Duck (Rosa)
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