Urban myth?

sigvald@duckburg.dk sigvald at duckburg.dk
Mon Oct 28 18:42:56 CET 2002

David Gerstein <ramapith at mail.dk> wrote:

> I've visited your page. Mostly I liked it very much, except
> that I see that you repeat the concept of Daisy and Donna
> being sisters, with Donna being the mother of April, May,
> and June. Giles (and everyone), I really wish we'd stop
> trying to make this urban legend fit into comics continuity.
> It just doesn't. According to the 1951 Karp and Taliaferro
> story in which Daisy and Donna appear as separate characters,
> the two girls don't know each other, grew up in different
> countries, and are clearly not relatives. Karp and Taliaferro
> clearly did not intend Daisy and Donna to be sisters.

And So what? Taliaferro also says that Della (the mother of HD&L) is Donald's cousin, while we *know* that she is indeed Donald's sister. That's what makes HD&L Donald's nephews. That's pure logic. The children of your cousins are *not* your nieces or nephews (as long as your cousin is not married to one of your siblings). My conclusion is that when Taliaferro can be slightly wrong about Della he can be so about Donna's relations to Daisy as well.

And remember that our friend Gilles sees Barks' (and Don Rosa's?) stories as Duckburg reality. In Taliaferros stories he sees the Ducks more like actors and in the story you mention April, May and Junes mother act as a Mexican.

Another possibility is that there is two Donnas:
1) The one who appeared before Daisy in the 1930's (Daisy's look-alike).
2) The Mexican girl from the 1951-story.

Sigvald :-)

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