Fluks Fix Shop, owner: Harry Gearloose

M.J. Prior M.J.Prior at student.rug.nl
Thu Apr 10 13:54:04 CEST 2003

Hi y'all!

'Gyro's First Invention' has finally been published in 
Holland. Nice story! The Dutch translation is in some 
aspects different from the Danish translation, but it has 
some nice touches:

On the third page, first panel, Fulton Gearloose's shop 
window says: 'Fluks Fiks Winkel, eig. Harry Wortel'.
Translation: 'Quickly Fix Shop, owner: Harry Gearloose'.
In Dutch, Gyro's father is named after Harry Fluks!

Also, since the story is supposed to take place in 1952, 
and although this is nowhere directly implied, $crooge's 
fortune is still counted in guilders and the Money Bin's 
front wall still shows an 'f' instead of an Euro-symbol!

['f' stands for 'florijn' = 'gulden florijn' (golden 
florin) = 'gulden' = Dutch guilder.]

'Harry' is already Fulton's third Dutch name. In Lo$ 10, 
it was 'generaal Fulton', in 'Guardians of the Lost 
Library', it was 'Willem Wortel'. But 'Willem' is also 
Ratchet Gearloose. By the way, Harry, isn't Willem also 
*your* second name? Nice coincidence!

In three panels, the Dutch editor added thought-bubbles to 
Little Helper, which is a bit disturbing. Does this have 
something to do with Thom Roep's 'golden rule' that *each* 
panel should have text in it, otherwise readers will just 
skip the panel?

Michiel Prior.

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