still need help from Italy : "Storia e gloria della dinastia dei paperi" Goofy313g at
Sun Aug 3 15:01:26 CEST 2003

there exist a 8-part series by Cavazzano and Carpi entitled "Storia e gloria 
della dinastia dei paperi", in which we discover the history of the Ducks 
through the times.
1: nowaday, the Ducks find a treasure
2: 30bc, Egypt, main character is Cleoduck
3: 30bc, Rome, still the same characters
4: 1392, Scotland, main character is MacPaperon
5: 1492, Spain, main character is Paperin de la Scalogna
6: 1700's, Florida, main character is Scroogoner McDuck
7: 1861, Mississippi, main character is a Scrooge McDuck I
8: 1897, Klondike, main character is Scrooge McDuck Jr, Scrooge I's son, and 
himself he gets a son, Scrooge McDuck III

Scrooge III has a treasure which travelled through all the series, he 
certainly died and was a relative to Scrooge, who gets the treasure...

If someone has the story, that'd be nice if he can make a presentation of all 
the duck characters (Scrooge, Donald, HDL and Rockerducks relatives), 
especially for the episodes 6 to 8, and that'd be cool if I could get scans of these 
characters for my tree...

Thanks, Gilles
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