August 2003 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Aug 1 01:16:58 CEST 2003
Ending: Sun Aug 31 23:48:27 CEST 2003
Messages: 792
- "Artificial" US Slang Meets Scandinavians! MADNESS?
Danehog at
- "Barksing " of non-Barks stories / remounting (Re: Gemstone)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- "Business Long Overdue" and other Barks oils
Katie Sullivan
- "Business Long Overdue" and other Barks oils
- "Business Long Overdue" and other Barks oils
Søren Krarup Olesen
- "Call the Doctor" quote
sgarciab at
- "Glittering" Goldie
Rich Bellacera
- SV: "Glittering" Goldie
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- "Glittering" Goldie O'Gilt
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- "Grandma" to Scrooge
Gary Leach
- "I didn't have time to read stories when I was a boy"
Ole R Nielsen
- "Jorden Rundt med Donald" - A new proof for Greenland!
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- "Life of Pete" again!
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- "Life of Pete" again!
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- SV: RE: "Life of Pete" again!
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- "Most worthy mouse tale?"
JTorci3511 at
- "Pete"-stories by Tito Faraci [and Scarpa]
Michiel Prior
- "Rosa", "Barks", "cannon"
Kriton Kyrimis
- "Storia e gloria della dinastia dei paperi" : story codes
Goofy313g at
- "Topolino Noir"
Francesco Spreafico
- $crooge, Grandma and Barks
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- $crooge, Grandma and Barks
Daniel van Eijmeren
- $crooges year of birth
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- A calculation of the size of $crooges fortune
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- A changed story code for a Rosa-publication
Stefan Persson
- A changed story code for a Rosa-publication
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- A constructive mail this time
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- A constructive mail this time
Stefan Persson
- A curiosity Poll for the many nations represented here
Stefan Persson
- A curiosity Poll for the many nations represented here
Rich Bellacera
- A curiosity Poll for the many nations represented here
Rich Bellacera
- A curiosity Poll for the many nations represented here
Kriton Kyrimis
- A curiosity Poll for the many nations represented here
Arie Fachrisal
- a Fallberg script
Marco Barlotti
- A feather in the hat
Ole R Nielsen
- A Few Items
Gary Leach
- A Long Pete Story Arc?
Danehog at
- A Pete by any other name would still smell as rotten...
Rich Bellacera
- A question to the Norwegians on the list + Raptus (OT)
Olaf Solstrand
- A small remark to Soeren's Time for a reply
H.W.Fluks at
- a third Douglas?! (to Lars)
Lars Jensen
- About DDF(R)s Summermeeting
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- About G. Blum and reference points
Daniel van Eijmeren
- About G. Blum and reference points
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- About G. Blum and reference points
Lars Jensen
- About G. Blum and reference points
Kriton Kyrimis
- About G. Blum and reference points
Kriton Kyrimis
- About G. Blum and reference points (plus, a little credit toGemstone)
Francesco Spreafico
- About G. Blum and reference points (plus, a little credit to Gemstone)
Olaf Solstrand
- About Pigs and Terries and Fermies
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- About popularity of creators
timo ronkainen
- About popularity of creators
mateusz lis
- About popularity of creators
timo ronkainen
- About popularity of creators
mateusz lis
- About the World Wide Witch & Miss Quackfaster
Rich Bellacera
- About these Google Polls
Rich Bellacera
- AC, DvE and DR
Søren Krarup Olesen
- AC, DvE and DR
Daniel van Eijmeren
- AC, DvE and DR
Søren Krarup Olesen
- All Don Rosa's Gladstone stories are finally published in Norway!
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Anders to Daniel about Rosa and Barks in the Netherlands
H.W.Fluks at
- Anders to Daniel about Rosa and Barks in the Netherlands
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Anders to Daniel about Rosa and Barks in the Netherlands
H.W.Fluks at
- Anders to Daniel about Rosa and Barks in the Netherlands
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Anders to Daniel about Rosa and Barks in the Netherlands
Angus McDuck
- Anders to Daniel about Rosa and Barks in the Netherlands
H.W.Fluks at
- Anders to Daniel about Rosa and Barks in the Netherlands
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Answer to M.J. Prior
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Apology to Rodney (Religion in Disney Comics)
Rich Bellacera
- Arie's Barks quote
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Arie's Barks quote, and something completely different
Daniel van Eijmeren
- As American as apple pie?
Ole R Nielsen
- SV: As American as apple pie?
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Back! Hrmphf! ;-)
Søren Krarup Olesen
- Barks about Magica the witch
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks and internet
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks and internet
Lars Jensen
- Barks and internet
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks and internet
Lars Jensen
- Barks and the internet
rob gibson
- Barks as a source for dates in the Duck-universe
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Barks as a source for dates in the Duck-universe
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks comics with Magica / unpublished Oddball Odyssey art
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks comics with Magica / unpublished Oddball Odyssey art
- Barks consistency
- Barks consistency
Daniel van Eijmeren
- AW: Barks consistency
Cord Wiljes
- Barks Consistency (and consistency in general)
Danehog at
- Barks consistency (Klartekst)
JALustig at
- Barks quotes
Daniel J. Neyer
- Barks's Geography's Founders watercolor
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks's Magica on a broom, and Gyro!
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks's Mississippi quote, and a new one
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks's reptile quote / gag / Hunger strike / Time travel / Harry
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks-written Pete
Danehog at
- Barks/Jippes Be Leery Of Lake Eerie
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks/Jippes Be Leery Of Lake Eerie
Ari Seppi
- Barks/Jippes Be Leery Of Lake Eerie
Kai Saarto
- Barks/Jippes Be Leery Of Lake Eerie
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks/Jippes Be Leery Of Lake Eerie
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks/Jippes Be Leery Of Lake Eerie
Ari Seppi
- Barks/Jippes Be Leery Of Lake Eerie
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barksian admirers for Scrooge
Katie Sullivan
- Beagle women?
Anthvvuono at
- Bewitched email (OT)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Blum and Barks
Daniel van Eijmeren
- SV: Blum and Barks
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- SV: Blum and Barks
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Blum is not bad
- Blum is not bad
Fabio Blanco
- Blum's "Wicca"ed ways...
Rich Bellacera
- Blum/Barks
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- Blumobservations
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- Blumobservations
Rich Bellacera
- Blumobservations
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Brazilian Taliaferro strip
Arthur Faria Jr.
- Brazilian Taliaferro strip [mainly to Arthur Faria Jr]
Goofy313g at
- Canadian article about Gemstone
JALustig at
- Carl Barks, Frank Stajano, Leonardo Gori
Francesco Spreafico
- Carl Barks, Frank Stajano, Leonardo Gori
Daniel van Eijmeren
- AW: Carl Barks, Frank Stajano, Leonardo Gori
Cord Wiljes
- Carl Barks, Frank Stajano, Leonardo Gori
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Carl's 8th Grade education
- Character Consistency
Danehog at
- character consistency
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- character consistency
Daniel van Eijmeren
- SV: Re: character consistency
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Characters' original names identified for Giles' family tree
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- Clerkly, Battista, Cora, Gloria & a Rover?
Rich Bellacera
- COA in trouble again!
H.W.Fluks at
- COA in trouble again!
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- COA in trouble again!
Thomas Pryds Lauritsen
- Comicbooks in the USA
- Confusing confusion
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Contra Dancing
- Contra Dancing
Fabio Blanco
- Copyright and Trademark
Shaun Craill
- Copyright and Trademark
SRoweCanoe at
- copyright laws
- Covers and lettering
Gary Leach
- D 99295
Mads Jensen
- D 99295
Stefan Persson
- D 99295
Olaf Solstrand
- D 99295 again
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Dane (Stupidly) Refuses to Drop the Issue of Ingenuity
Danehog at
- DANIEL NEYER: Various Things
David Gerstein
- Daniel's comments
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Daniel's comments
Daniel van Eijmeren
- SV: Re: Daniel's comments
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- SV: Re: Daniel's comments
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Daniel's Zapp question
H.W.Fluks at
- David Gerstein
Daniel J. Neyer
- DCML administrator
Daniel van Eijmeren
- DCML Digest Issue 4
Don Rosa
- DCML Digest Issue 77
Don Rosa
- DCML Digest Issue 15
Don Rosa
- DCML Digest Issue 78
Don Rosa
- DCML Digest Issue 80
Don Rosa
- SV: RE: DCML Digest Issue 80
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 10
Daniel van Eijmeren
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 12
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 13 > Message: 9
Pascal Oost
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 29
Arie Fachrisal
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 30
Gary Leach
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 31
Gerd Syllwasschy
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 34
Katie Sullivan
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 35
Katie Sullivan
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 37 (Ludwig's feather)
kimba1962 at
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 39
Gary Leach
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 46
Katie Sullivan
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 46
Daniel van Eijmeren
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 49
Thomas Andrae
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 49
Thomas Andrae
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 49
Stefan Persson
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 50
cien2 at
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 50
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 51
Arie Fachrisal
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 53
Gary Leach
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 53
Wdposter at
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 54
kimba1962 at
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 59
Gary Leach
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 6
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 68
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 71
Arie Fachrisal
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 71
Arie Fachrisal
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 72
Arie Fachrisal
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 72
Arie Fachrisal
- DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 82
Carey Furlong
- DCML's Mixture of Humor and Seriousness
Danehog at
- DCML:Duck art and plea
Madame Jennifer Inantaz
- DDA going around
Gary Leach
- Disney Artwork
- Disney Artwork
Germund Silvegren
- Disney Comic Art Permanently Displayed
Carey Furlong
- Disney Comics and religion
danshane at
- Disney Mickey Mouse comic strip returns to America
Lars Jensen
- Disney Mickey Mouse comic strip returns to America
SRoweCanoe at
- Disney Mickey Mouse comic strip returns to America
Lars Jensen
- Disney Mickey Mouse comic strip returns to America
Stefan Persson
- Disney Mickey Mouse comic strip returns to America
Rich Bellacera
- Disney Mickey Mouse comic strip returns to America
Martin Olsen
- Disney Mickey Mouse comic strip returns to America
Rich Bellacera
- Disney Mickey Mouse comic strip returns to America
Lars Jensen
- Disney Witches revisited
Rich Bellacera
- Disney Witches revisited
Olaf Solstrand
- Disney Witches revisited
- Disney Witches revisited
Rich Bellacera
- Disney Witches revisited
Rich Bellacera
- SV: Disney Witches revisited
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Disney Witches revisited
Eta Beta
- Disney Witches revisited
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Disney Witches revisited
mateusz lis
- Disney Witches revisited
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- Disney Witches revisited - correction
Rich Bellacera
- Disney-Comic Artwork Displayed
Danehog at
- Disney-Comic Artwork Displayed
Francesco Spreafico
- Disney-Comic Artwork Displayed
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Disney-Comic Artwork Displayed
Kai Saarto
- Does the DCML have an official administrator?
JTorci3511 at
- DON - Dutchman's mine
Eta Beta
- DON - Dutchman's mine
Luca Boschi
- Don Christensen
Lars Jensen
- Don Christensen
SRoweCanoe at
- Don Christensen
Lars Jensen
- Don Christensen, again
Lars Jensen
- Don, Re: DCML Digest Issue 4
Søren Krarup Olesen
- Don~sorry....
Madame Jennifer Inantaz
- DR vs Korhonen
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- DR vs Korhonen
H.W.Fluks at
- DR vs Korhonen
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- DR vs Korhonen
H.W.Fluks at
- Duckburg drive ways...
Rich Bellacera
- Duckburg or Mouseton (Mickey's home)?
Rich Bellacera
- Duckburg or Mouseton (Mickey's home)?
Rich Bellacera
- Duckburg or Mouseton (Mickey's home)?
Michael Schartau
- Ducks and eggs
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Ducks and Eggs ; Barks and Rosa
Goofy313g at
- SV: Ducks and Eggs ; Barks and Rosa
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Dutch albums and Don Rosa
Michiel Prior
- Dutch albums and Don Rosa
H.W.Fluks at
- SV: Dutch albums and Norwegians
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Dutch editors and Don Rosa
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Early US issue full scans
- Early US issue full scans
- Early US issue full scans
- Egmont's English mini booklet + Strip licensing
Arie Fachrisal
- Egmont's English mini-booklet
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Elves on the North Pole? But... they don't have trees?!
Ole R Nielsen
- Elvis vs. hip-hop -- Blum vs. Barks
JTorci3511 at
- Enthusiasm
Gary Leach
- expensive
Fabio Blanco
- Extra DD Extra in the Netherlands
H.W.Fluks at
- Family Tree section COMP-PLETE !!!
Goofy313g at
- Fanbase loss
Daniel van Eijmeren
- AW: Fanbase loss
Cord Wiljes
- AW: Fanbase loss
Cord Wiljes
- Favorite stories to be reprinted/Gemstone sales
Rob McCallum
- favourite artists
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- favourite artists
Daniel van Eijmeren
- SV: Re: favourite artists
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- favourite artists
Kjell Croné
- Fethry / Al Hubbard
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Florence + Horst
Stefan Diös
- Florence Quackfaster
M.J. Prior
- SV: Florence Quackfaster
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Florence Quackfaster
M.J. Prior
- SV: Re: Florence Quackfaster
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- SV: Florence Quackfaster & Wicca again...
Rich Bellacera
- Florence Quackfaster appearances
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Florence Quackfaster once again
Olaf Solstrand
- Florence Quackfaster once again
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Foul Fellows' Club
David Gerstein
- Fw: Re: The Self-Promotion of Keno Don Rosa.....
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- Gary: Strips
H.W.Fluks at
- Gemstone
Francesco Spreafico
- Gemstone
Ari Seppi
- Gemstone Comic subscriptions
- Gemstone comics in bookstores, Wal-Mart, etc.?
- Gemstone Publicity
Danehog at
- Gemstone Stripped of Strips?
JTorci3511 at
- Gemstone's Disney Christmas Parade
Danehog at
- Geoffrey Blum and Reference Points
Daniel J. Neyer
- Geoffrey Blum's "updated" Ducks
Daniel J. Neyer
- Geography in Luck of the North
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Geography in Luck of the North
H.W.Fluks at
- Geography in Luck of the North
Roy Kooijman
- Geography in Luck of the North
timo ronkainen
- Geography in Luck of the North
- Geography in Luck of the North
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Geography in Luck of the North
timo ronkainen
- Geography in Luck of the North
Roy Kooijman
- Geography in Luck of the North - again!
- SV: Geography in Luck of the North - again!
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- SV: Geography in Luck of the North - again!
- Ghosts in Barks (and Rosa) stories
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Ghosts in Barks Stories
- Ghosts in Barks Stories
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Ghosts, spooks, and things that go BUMP in the night
- Gideon Goat: An old, obscure character
Rich Bellacera
- Gideon Goat: An old, obscure character
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- Goofy / Sport Goofy
Goofy313g at
- Goofy / Sport Goofy
Stefan Persson
- Goofy / Sport Goofy
Goofy313g at
- Goofy / Sport Goofy
Stefan Persson
- Goofy's grandma
Goofy313g at
- Goofy's grandma
Armando Botto
- Goofy's grandma & Disney Names in other language
Rich Bellacera
- Google / Rosa's Chavalier Noir
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Google hilarity
Katie Sullivan
- Google hilarity
Lazarus Long
- AW: Google hilarity
Cord Wiljes
- Google polls
Cord Wiljes
- H.W.Fluks' forwarded message about the MM Dailies
Rich Bellacera
- Harry's statements, Bas Heymans (Re: Nitpicking)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Harry's walls
Katie Sullivan
- Harry's walls
H.W.Fluks at
- Help in reconstructing fragmented memory
Mark Wright
- Help in reconstructing fragmented memory
SRoweCanoe at
- Help in reconstructing fragmented memory
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- Help in reconstructing fragmented memory
Mark Wright
- Help needed for script...
Olaf Solstrand
- Help needed for script...
Stefan Persson
- Help needed for script...
Olaf Solstrand
- Help needed for script...
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Help needed for script...
Olaf Solstrand
- Help needed for script...
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Hercules - The Disney movie that annoyed the Greeks
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Hercules - The Disney movie that annoyed the Greeks
Kriton Kyrimis
- Hercules lithograph
Mads Jensen
- hidden Mickey vs. Donald, plus HD&L
Katie Sullivan
- Homages to Non-Disney comics in Disney comics
Frank Bubacz
- Horst Schroeder
Michael Schartau
- SV: Horst Schroeder
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Horst Schroeder
Michael Schartau
- Horst Schroeder
H.W.Fluks at
- SV: Horst Schroeder
Olaf Solstrand
- Horst Schroeder
Gunnarsson, Joakim SE - HMJ
- AW: Horst Schroeder
Cord Wiljes
- SV: Horst Schroeder / Hunger / Copyright
- SV: Horst Schroeder / Hunger / Copyright
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Horst Schroeder, Luck of the North
Daniel van Eijmeren
- How do I find "this" storycode in INDUCKS?
Rich Bellacera
- How do I find "this" storycode in INDUCKS?
Søren Krarup Olesen
- How do I find "this" storycode in INDUCKS?
Stefan Persson
- How do I find "this" storycode in INDUCKS? (and related Foreststuff)
Stefan Persson
- How do I find "this" storycode in INDUCKS? (and related Forest stuff)
Rich Bellacera
- How do I find "this" storycode in INDUCKS? (part II)
Søren Krarup Olesen
- How to survive Sigvald Grosfjeld (SV: Re: Names and statistics)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Huey, Dewey, Louie
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- Huey, Dewey, Louie
timo ronkainen
- Huey, Dewey, Louie
Frank Bubacz
- Huey, Dewey, Louie
Gerd Syllwasschy
- hunger strike
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- AW: hunger strike
Cord Wiljes
- AW: hunger strike
Daniel van Eijmeren
- AW: hunger strike
Michael Schartau
- AW: AW: hunger strike
Cord Wiljes
- AW: AW: hunger strike
Daniel van Eijmeren
- AW: AW: AW: hunger strike
Cord Wiljes
- AW: AW: AW: hunger strike
SRoweCanoe at
- AW: AW: AW: AW: hunger strike
Cord Wiljes
- AW: AW: AW: AW: hunger strike
SRoweCanoe at
- I'd rather not send this, but it seems I must
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Imperatore della Calidornia + Re: The Italian Duck universe
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Imperatore della Calidornia + Re: The Italian Duck universe
Francesco Spreafico
- Imperatore della Calidornia + Re: The Italian Duck universe
Olaf Solstrand
- - new IP
Søren Krarup Olesen
- Influential parenting
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Inventive Gentlemen? Four Color #1150
L. Jámal Walton
- Inventive Gentlemen? Four Color #1150
Stefan Persson
- Inventive Gentlemen? Four Color #1150
Stefan Persson
- Inventive Gentlemen? Four Color #1150
SRoweCanoe at
- Is my face red!!!!!
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- Italian Mouse stories [and Scarpa]
M.J. Prior
- Italian Mouse stories [and Scarpa]
timo ronkainen
- Italian Mouse stories [and Scarpa]
Ole R Nielsen
- Italian names
Goofy313g at
- Italian stories keeping close to American 'originals'
M.J. Prior
- SV: Italian stories keeping close to American 'originals'
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Italian version vs American version of Duckburg
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Italian version vs American version of Duckburg
Francesco Spreafico
- Jennifer's plea
Daniel van Eijmeren
- John Lustig!
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- Kathy (Re: DCML Digest, Vol 6, Issue 34)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Katie Sullivan: obscure name changes
M.J. Prior
- Katie Sullivan: obscure name changes
Stefan Persson
- KATIE: Pete in a Barks story!
Rich Bellacera
- KATIE: Pete in Barks again...
Rich Bellacera
- Kelly (A forwarded message from Steve)
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Larry Giver's elusive Barks quote
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Lars Jensen
Fabio Blanco
- Lars Jensen
Lars Jensen
- le mine du allemand perdu
Fabio Blanco
- Li'l Bad Wolf / Big Bad Wolf
Goofy313g at
- Lichtenstein painting
Kristian Pedersen
- Little "nice" Wolf
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Lost miners
Ole R Nielsen
- Lost miners
Fabio Blanco
- LUCA/RICH: Pigs is Pigs
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- Luck of the North
Erik Horthe
- Madame Jennifer (OT)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Madame Jennifer Inantaz's favourite things
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Madame Jennifer Inantaz's favourite things
Stefan Persson
- Madame Jennifer Inantaz's favourite things
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Madame Jennifer Inantaz's favourite things
Eric Chun
- Magica
Don Rosa
- Magica
Olaf Solstrand
- Magica
Kriton Kyrimis
- Magica De Spell sorceress/witch
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Magica the Sorceress
Rich Bellacera
- Magica the sorceress/witch
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Magica the sorceress/witch
- Magica the sorceress/witch
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Magica the witch
Gary Leach
- Marco Rota suggestion
- Marco Rota's "From egg to duck" story
Olaf Solstrand
- Marco Rota's "From egg to duck" story
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Marco Rota's "From egg to duck" story
Rich Bellacera
- Marco Rota's "From egg to duck" story
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Marco Rota, and a suggestion for Donald's 70th anniversary
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Martin's Junior Woodchucks picture
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Martin's Junior Woodchucks picture
Rich Bellacera
- Marvel
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Mawicca | Cults | Scrooge and computers
Olaf Solstrand
- Michiel foolishly endeavours into further depths
M.J. Prior
- Michiel foolishly endeavours into further depths
Olaf Solstrand
- Mickey Dailies and Carl Barks, Frank Stajano, Leonardo Gori
Donald D. Ault
- Mickey Dailies and Carl Barks, Frank Stajano, Leonardo Gori
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Mickey Mouse comic strip returns to America
- Mickey Mouse Strips
Eta Beta
- AW: Mickey Mouse Strips
Cord Wiljes
- MM dailies
Poul S. Frøkjær
- MM dailies
Daniel van Eijmeren
- AW: MM dailies
Cord Wiljes
- AW: MM dailies
Daniel van Eijmeren
- MM dailies - strike
- MM dailies -- "The Duckburg Times " ad (1981)
- SV: Re: MM dailies -- "The Duckburg Times " ad (1981)
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- SV: Re: MM dailies -- "The Duckburg Times " ad (1981)
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- MM dailies -- "The Duckburg Times " ad (1981) / Hercules
- MM dailies -- "The Duckburg Times " ad (1981) / Hercules
Kriton Kyrimis
- MM Daily strip sets
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- Modern times [was: Blum and Barks]
Gunnarsson, Joakim SE - HMJ
- More Gerstein Mickey please
- More Gerstein Mickey please (And Scarpa TOO!!)
Rich Bellacera
- More Gerstein Mickey please (And Scarpa TOO!!)
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- More Gerstein Mickey please (And Scarpa TOO!!)
Rich Bellacera
- More on Character Consistency
Danehog at
- More on Character Consistency
Daniel van Eijmeren
- More than one cat?
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- Mr.Don Rosa
Madame Jennifer Inantaz
- Much more about Ault's "Carl Barks Conversations" (links)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Multiple Personality Ducks
danshane at
- Multiple Personality Ducks
Daniel van Eijmeren
- My popularity compared to Murry's - and a matter of disrespect
Olaf Solstrand
- my subject line is deliberatly poor
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- name changes
Katie Sullivan
- name changes
Rich Bellacera
- name changes, definitions and more
Katie Sullivan
- name changes, definitions and more
Søren Krarup Olesen
- name changes, definitions and more
Olaf Solstrand
- Names and statistics
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Names and statistics
Olaf Solstrand
- SV: Re: Names and statistics
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- SV: Re: Names and statistics
Olaf Solstrand
- SV: Re: Names and statistics
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Names of the Seven dwarves in Icelandic
Petri Kanninen
- Napoli once more
H.W.Fluks at
- Ne Dia
Michael Schartau
- Nephews' origin
Petri Kanninen
- Nephews' origin
timo ronkainen
- Nephews' origin again
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- New page about Grandpa Duck (Barks, Rosa, Strobl, Wright, Carpi, DisneyStudios)
Goofy313g at
- New Rosa stories in Europe
Anthvvuono at
- Nitpicking
H.W.Fluks at
- Nitpicking Excuses
Danehog at
- No flame war, please!
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- No subject
Sander D.
- Obscure character
Lars Jensen
- OchaGirl! Hi! :)
Katie Sullivan
- Odin
Katie Sullivan
- Off-topic Apology
Danehog at
- Olaf Solstrand: Bill Gates
M.J. Prior
- Olaf's foreword
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Olaf, Michiel: Topolino Noirway
Ole R Nielsen
- Olaf: "Topolino Noir"
M.J. Prior
- Olaf: "Topolino Noir"
Stefan Persson
- Olaf: "Topolino Noir"
Olaf Solstrand
- Olaf: Norwegian pockets series
M.J. Prior
- Olaf\'s foreword
Olaf Solstrand
- Olaf\'s foreword
Søren Krarup Olesen
- Ole: "Topolino Noir"
M.J. Prior
- Olivier's protection quiz
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Re: Olivier's protection quiz -- and Daniël's
- RE: Re: Olivier's protection quiz -- and Daniël's
H.W.Fluks at
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Detlef.Giesler at
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Rich Bellacera
- AW: On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Cord Wiljes
- AW: On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Cord Wiljes
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Eta Beta
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Gunnarsson, Joakim SE - HMJ
- AW: On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Cord Wiljes
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Dreidreizehn Comicart & Disneyana
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
- AW: On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Cord Wiljes
- AW: On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Rich Bellacera
- AW: On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Cord Wiljes
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Gunnarsson, Joakim SE - HMJ
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
- AW: On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips
Cord Wiljes
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips (Gori/Stajano book)
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips (loooong text)
H.W.Fluks at
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips (loooong text)
Francesco Spreafico
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips (with an answer to Alecto)
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips (with an answer to Alecto)
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips (with an answer to Alecto)
H.W.Fluks at
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips -- Mickey's suicide attemtps
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips -- safe, Mickey
- AW: On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips -- safe, Mickey
Cord Wiljes
- On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips -- safe, Mickey
- On permanent display
H.W.Fluks at
- On Scarpa
Eta Beta
- On strips
Gary Leach
- On strips
Eta Beta
- On strips
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- On Strips
Ryan Wynns
- On strips
Eta Beta
- On the Studio Program
Eta Beta
- On the Studio Program
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- On the Studio Program
Eta Beta
- On the Studio Program
H.W.Fluks at
- One mail - many topics!
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- One mail - many topics!
Daniel van Eijmeren
- SV: Re: One mail - many topics!
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- SV: Re: One mail - many topics!
Daniel van Eijmeren
- One mail - many topics!
Michael Schartau
- One mail - two issues
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Oooooold Barks' quote and excuses
sgarciab at
- Oooooold Barks' quote and excuses
Daniel van Eijmeren
- opinions on Blum, barks etc.
Gunnarsson, Joakim SE - HMJ
- Original names from Italian duck stories
Armando Botto
- Original names from Italian duck stories : need help from Italian fellows...
Goofy313g at
- OT - Wicca (was Re: About G. Blum and reference points (plus, a little credit toGemstone)
Rob Wilson
- OT: Gustavs and Adolfs
Martin Olsen
- P.S. (Ducks and eggs)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- P.S. (Ghosts in Barks (and Rosa) stories)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- P.S. (Re: Ghosts in Barks Stories)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- P.S. (Re: Madame Jennifer Inantaz's favourite things)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- P.S. (Re: Space travel in Barks' stories)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- P.S. (Vehicles of Scrooge and the nephews)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- P.S. P.S. (Re: Space travel in Barks' stories)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Peg-Leg? Black? Something Else Entirely?
Danehog at
- Pete
Francesco Spreafico
- Pete = Jones?
Gerd Syllwasschy
- Pete and chipmunks
Katie Sullivan
- Pete and chipmunks
Rich Bellacera
- Pete in Barks
Frank Bubacz
- Phantom Blot's nephews & Plato Pigg
Rich Bellacera
- Picture
Lars Jensen
- Pigs is Pigs
Rich Bellacera
- Pigs is Pigs
Rich Bellacera
- Pigs is pigs
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Pigs is Pigs
- Pigs is Pigs
Luca Boschi
- Please delete my last message
Olaf Solstrand
- Pockets in Scrooge's Coat
- Pockets in Scrooge's Coat?
- Pockets in Scrooge's Coat?
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Positive matters
Kjell Croné
- SV: Positive matters
Olaf Solstrand
- SV: Positive matters
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- SV: Positive matters
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Positive Matters / Terry & Fermy?
- Prehistoric Scrooge (Re: "Call the Doctor" quote)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Prehistoric Scrooge / Barks quote
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Question for Sigvald
- SV: Question for Sigvald
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Question for Sigvald - Walt Kelly
- SV: Re: Question for Sigvald - Walt Kelly
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Questions about "A letter from Home"
Arne Voigtmann
- Quote
Eta Beta
- quotes and stuff
H.W.Fluks at
- Re "World Wide Witch"
kimba1962 at
- Re D 99295
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Re Vol 6, issue 13: Sigvald, Daniel
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Readership figures
Morten Lied Johansen
- Reconstructing the memory
Rodrigo Souza
- reference points
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- reference points
Kriton Kyrimis
- Regarding Scarpa's Style...
Danehog at
- Regarding Scarpa's Style...
Francesco Spreafico
- Religion (mostly OT)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Religion in Disney Comics
danshane at
- Religion in Shacktown
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Religion in Shacktown
Kriton Kyrimis
- Reply to Sigvald
M.J. Prior
- Reply to Sigvald
Stefan Persson
- Reply's to the "I hate new ideas" posts
- Reptile gag
sgarciab at
- Return of the Giveaways?
- Rich Bellacera: Foul Fellows' Club
M.J. Prior
- Rich's witches (and Cristina, EB, Daniel)
H.W.Fluks at
- Rights to sue
Gary Leach
- Rockerduck's nephews (George, Patrick,Simeon and Arsene/Pepito)
Goofy313g at
- Romano Scarpa's Style and Other Coloring Comments
Danehog at
- Rosa in Holland - answer to daniel
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Rosa in Holland - answer to daniel
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Rosa's Black Knight
Daniel J. Neyer
- Rosa's Black Knight / COA problems
Daniel van Eijmeren
- RV: The Lost Duchtman's mine
Fabio Blanco
- Ryan, On Strips
- Sands of Time
Cord Wiljes
- Sands of Time
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Sands of Time
Kriton Kyrimis
- Scarpa
Francesco Spreafico
- Scarpa opinions
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- Scarpa's Mickey Mouse Stories in Gemstone's
Eta Beta
- Scarpa's Mickey Mouse Stories in Gemstone's
Francesco Spreafico
- Scarpa's Mickey Mouse Stories in Gemstone's Pocket Books
Danehog at
- Scarpa, Pete's leg
M.J. Prior
- Scarpa, Pete's leg
Frank Bubacz
- Scarpa, Pete's leg
Francesco Spreafico
- Scarpa, Pete's leg
Francesco Spreafico
- Sceptic views
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Scrooge and Grandma, siblings?
Katie Sullivan
- Scrooge and Scotland
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Scrooge and Scotland, an addition
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Scrooge women
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Scrooge's Fortune Calculation
Danehog at
- Self-promotion of Keno Don Rosa
Dan Rosenberg
- Serious views on Blum/Barks
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Seriousness
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Sigvald (SV: Florence Quackfaster)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Sigvald and (his new windmill) Blum
Daniel van Eijmeren
- SV: Sigvald and (his new windmill) Blum
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- SV: Sigvald and (his new windmill) Blum
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Sigvald's Google poll
Martin Olsen
- Sigvald's Google poll
Stefan Persson
- Sigvald's Google poll
Martin Olsen
- Sigvald's universe
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Sigvald's universe
Kai Saarto
- Sigvald's universe
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Sigvald's universe
Kai Saarto
- Sigvald's universe
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Sigvald, Vidar & Thomas: Re: SV: Re: favourite artists
Stefan Persson
- SV: Sigvald, Vidar & Thomas: Re: SV: Re: favourite artists
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Sigvald: Florence Quackfaster
M.J. Prior
- Sigvald: Italian stories keeping close to American 'originals'
Søren Krarup Olesen
- SKO RE: AC, DvE and DR
H.W.Fluks at
- Slang in US Disney comics
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Slang in US Disney comics
Olaf Solstrand
- Slang in US Disney comics
Stefan Persson
- Slang in US Disney comics
Stefan Persson
- Soeren about DCML
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Somewhere in Nowhere - when will we see it?
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Somewhere in Nowhere - when will we see it?
H.W.Fluks at
- SV: RE: Somewhere in Nowhere - when will we see it?
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Somewhere in Nowhere - when will we see it?
H.W.Fluks at
- Space travel in Barks' stories
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Space travel in Barks' stories
Daniel van Eijmeren
- still need help from Italy : "Storia e gloria della dinastia dei paperi"
Goofy313g at
- Strip Licenses, etc.
Danehog at
- Strip Licenses, etc.
Fabio Blanco
- Strips
Rich Bellacera
- Strips
Gary Leach
- AW: Strips
Cord Wiljes
- Strips & Reese's
Cord Wiljes
- Stunned batteries (OT)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Summary and conclusion
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Summermeeting - addings
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Summermeeting in the danish donaldist society
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Superior artists vs. inferior artists
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Supernatural capacities (Magica De Spell sorceress/witch)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Supernatural vs. paranormal
Katie Sullivan
- take me out
mohamed monem
- Taliaferro
Gunnarsson, Joakim SE - HMJ
- Teams, individuals, Scarpa, Barks
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Teams, individuals, Scarpa, Barks
Francesco Spreafico
- Terries and Fermies
Katie Sullivan
- Terries and Fermies
- Terry & Fermy?
Rich Bellacera
- Thank you for converting scrubbed e-mail
Madame Jennifer Inantaz
- The "Pete" Proposition
Rich Bellacera
- The "Pete" Proposition
- The "Pete" Proposition
Paolo Castagno
- The "Pete" Proposition
Rich Bellacera
- SV: The "Pete" Proposition
Rich Bellacera
- SV: The "Pete" Proposition
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- The "Pete" Proposition
Ari Seppi
- The "Pete" Proposition - a correction
- the CB water colour!
Theresa Wiegert
- The Dirty Dozen
Rich Bellacera
- The Dirty Dozen
Daniel van Eijmeren
- The Google-WEB Poll - Improved version
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- The Google-WEB Poll - Improved version
Søren Krarup Olesen
- SV: Re: The Google-WEB Poll - Improved version
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- The Google-WEB Poll - Improved version
Roy Kooijman
- The Google-WEB Poll - Improved version
Daniel van Eijmeren
- The Italian Duck universe
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- The Italian Duck universe
Daniel van Eijmeren
- SV: Re: The Italian Duck universe
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- The Lost Dutchman's Mine
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- The name "Carl"
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- The name "Carl"
Daniel van Eijmeren
- The name "Carl"
- The Norwegian language
Anita B og Erlend V Enget
- The Self-Promotion of Keno Don Rosa.....
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
- SV: Re: The Self-Promotion of Keno Don Rosa.....
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- The Unsafe Safe (US 38) / Rug Riders in the Sky (US 50)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- There are more than one cat in Disney's universes
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- These are a few of my favorite things....
Madame Jennifer Inantaz
- Time for a reply
Søren Krarup Olesen
- Timo's bumble bee
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Timo's bumble bee
timo ronkainen
- Timo's bumble bee
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Tough Times Barks quote
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Trick Or Treat
Frank Bubacz
- SV: Trondheim [Dutch albums and Norwegians]
timo ronkainen
- Twilight Bark and name changes
Katie Sullivan
- Two in one
Søren Krarup Olesen
- Two very important things
Frank Bubacz
- Uncle Scrooge #101
Jose Gonzalez-Gigato
- Uncle Scrooge and the Seven Crystal Balls
Ole R Nielsen
- Uncle Scrooge and the Seven Crystal Balls
Olaf Solstrand
- Uncle Scrooge and the Seven Crystal Balls
Francesco Spreafico
- Uncle Scrooge and the Seven Crystal Balls
Ole R Nielsen
- Uncle Scrooge and the Seven Crystal Balls
Lars Jensen
- Uncle Scrooge and Tintin
M.J. Prior
- Various from AC
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Various Things
Daniel J. Neyer
- Vehicles of Scrooge and the nephews
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Vehicles of Scrooge and the nephews
Thomas Pryds Lauritsen
- Vehicles of Scrooge and the Nephews
- versions of FCBD Maharajah
Gary Leach
- versions of the FCBD DDA
Ola Martinsson
- versions of the FCBD DDA
Ola Martinsson
- Vicar's Douglas
Lars Jensen
- Vicar's Douglas
Goofy313g at
- Vicar's Douglas (was re:a third Douglas?!) errror in INDUCKS
Goofy313g at
- Vicar's vegetarian
Daniel van Eijmeren
- VP1 - Donald's Grandma Duck
Frank Bubacz
- VP1 - Donald's Grandma Duck
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Wal-Mart Gemstone Appearances
Danehog at
- Wal-Mart Gemstone Appearances
dogfish at
- Walt Kelly's Disney Covers
Danehog at
- Wasteful McDuck
Goofy313g at
- Wasteful McDuck
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Web polls
mateusz lis
- Web polls
Shad Z.
- Web polls (I accidently deleted the original thread title...)
Shad Z.
- webpolls
Katie Sullivan
- What is so funny about Magica
Daniel van Eijmeren
- What old stories do YOU want to see in print again?
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- What old stories do YOU want to see in print again?
mateusz lis
- What old stories do YOU want to see in print again?
- What old stories do YOU want to see in print again?
Rich Bellacera
- What Spell(ing)?
Stefan Persson
- What Spell(ing)?
Daniel van Eijmeren
- What Spell(ing)?
Daniel van Eijmeren
- which witches...
Madame Jennifer Inantaz
- Who actually created HDL?
Rich Bellacera
- SV: Who actually created HDL?
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Who actually created HDL?
Gerd Syllwasschy
- Who is who in Duckburg
Olaf Solstrand
- Who is who in Duckburg
mateusz lis
- Who is who in Duckburg
mateusz lis
- Who is who in Duckburg
Stefan Persson
- Who is who in Duckburg
Stefan Persson
- Who is who in Duckburg
mateusz lis
- Who is who in Duckburg
Stefan Persson
- Who is who in Duckburg
Stefan Persson
- Who is who in Duckburg
Daniel van Eijmeren
- SV: RE: Who is who in Duckburg
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- SV: Who is who in Duckburg
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- SV: RE: Who is who in Duckburg
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Who is who in Duckburg
mateusz lis
- Wicca again!
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Wicca again! (O.T., but I'll stop soon)
Donald D. Markstein
- SV: Re: Wicca again! (O.T., but I'll stop soon)
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Wicca and religion in the Disney comic
Katie Sullivan
- Wicca and religion in the Disney comic
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Wicca and religion in the Disney comic
Kriton Kyrimis
- SV: Re: Wicca and religion in the Disney comic
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Wicca and religion in the Disney comic
Lars Jensen
- Wicca and religions
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Wicca and religions
Kriton Kyrimis
- SV: Re: Wicca and religions
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
- Wicca and religions
Kriton Kyrimis
- Wicca and religions (O.T. -- sorry)
Donald D. Markstein
- World Wide Witch
Arie Fachrisal
- Zeus
Katie Sullivan
Last message date:
Sun Aug 31 23:48:27 CEST 2003
Archived on: Thu Mar 23 17:46:51 CEST 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).