SV: Re: The Italian Duck universe
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
sigvald at
Sun Aug 17 19:31:40 CEST 2003
Daniel van Eijmeren <dve at> wrote:
> No, you are referring to the ROSA UNIVERSE,
> once again...
> In Barks's universe, these points are no
> constant "facts" at all:
> - Scrooge has many different money bins, like
> the egg shaped one in the super-strong
> forbidium money bin story (DISBP 1)
Just a one-time fenomenon.
> and the Money Bin at a Duckburg street. (The
> Golden River, US 22.)
The downtown "bin" also exist in Rosa's interpretation of the Duck universe.
Just take a look in "The Pied Piper of Duckburg".
> - Scrooge has different secretaries and clerks
Correct, but unlike Ms Quackfaster they are *not* regular characters.
> - Scrooge has a mansion and a butler
Only in "Christmas on Bear Mountain". He sold it shortly after, early 1948 I
would guess - just read the end of Lo$.
>> However monumental tales about the life and
>> history of characters in the Duck universe
>> should IMHO be based on the original Duck
>> universe not its nice twin.
> Know what you say. The Rosa universe should
> also be ignored then! It's not original.
> It's a retrospective universe, with exceptions
> to the "original" universe. These exceptions
> are even a proof that the "original" universe
> was not intended to be structured in
> retrospective at all. So, why force them
> together into one jar?
Don Rosa's Duck universe is one version of the original American Duck
universe. I can't see the problem here?
> And... even Barks *himself* adjusted his Ducks
> to what other Disney artists did, at the time
> when he was *creating* the "Barks universe".
> (Please Sigvald, I don't want to go through
> this again. Do you?)
No, I guess that enough has been said about this topic now.
> Can't we just all agree that different artists
> have different styles and opinions?
Off course they have.
> And that it's not up to you - or me - to tell
> which style and opinion is superior or
> inferior? Or do you like to *hurt* people by
> suggesting that your opinion is superior?
No I don't. I think however that what often have made me react is when
people for some reason seems to completely ignore Don Rosa's explanations
for things in the Duck-universe - even without explaining why they do so.
You may ask why I keep thinking that Don Rosa is so important. The reasons
for that is that Don has put a lot of effort in explaining many important
sides of the Duck-universe, like when and how Scrooge raised his Money Bin,
how the Ducks is related, how HD&L joined TJW, how Little Helper was
created, etc - and always by staying faithful to Barks. Even though this
*don't* make Don a guru, it still IMO makes him important.
> That's what you're doing when you write that
> way, because you're attacking their enthusiasm
> for interpreting comics in their own way and
> taste. And when people feel attacked they can
> get very defensive and angry. This results in
> flaming, and a bad atmosphere. End result is
> a downward spiral in which NOBODY - including
> you - is enjoying this mailing list and their
> comics anymore.
This sounds very plausible.
> So, be more tolerant and positive towards
> others. It's also for your own good.
I think that we all should be. Remember that I am not the only one that have
presented "Theorys" as they were "facts". One example is people who claim
that the Ducks in Duckburg were hatched from eggs, even though that's a hot
potato whenever it comes up here in DCML.
> A world in which people even hurt each other's
> fantasies and dreams, is no better than hell.
> Let's keep that pain and suffering out of our
> little idyllic DCML-garden. Okay?
Sounds like a very good idea!
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