Imperatore della Calidornia + Re: The Italian Duck universe

Olaf Solstrand olaf at
Sun Aug 17 21:28:36 CEST 2003

> > According to the contract shown in the end, 
> > this story takes place in August 1973. 
> Changed in the reprints (it happens even in my 1995 reprint, it has
> 1995. Originally it was 1961. 

I expected that... I wonder what a reprint of Mazzanti/Gatto's "Paperino... 
Anno 2001" (I TL 309-A) would look like! :-) They can't change a year that's 
mentioned in the story's title, can they? "Donald, I'm sending you back to the 
past to find out what your future will be like..." "You still have a gas-driven 
engine? We quit using those in 1980!" Look out, Doc and Marty, here we come!

On to Sigvald...

> [me:]
> > Brigitta McBridge does most certainly not 
> > contradict anything Barks has written! 
> Well, AFAIK he *never* showed any such admirer of $crooge.

But he never stated that Scrooge did NOT have such an admirer either. Please... 
Are you saying that NO kinds of characters should be allowed unless Carl Barks 
has shown anything like it? So... If I wrote a story about a coin collector 
with huge nostrils, you would respond to this as disrespect because "according 
to Carl Barks, there ARE no coin collectors with huge nostrils in Duckburg"? 
Only because Barks never showed any coin collectors with huge nostrils? Well, 
that is SILLY!

> Please remember that Coa was recently down for some time so I had no access. 
> Besides I do like the Norwegian names much better - "James" sounds perfect 
> for a butler, and "Petra" fits IMO very well together with Pete - just like 
> Mickey and Minnie or Donald and Daisy... 

Hmm... sounds... logical... Hey, guess what! I like "Florence" better 
than "Emily"! "Florence" sounds perfect for an old secretary, and the first 
name "Florence" fits IMO very well together with the last name "Quackfaster"!

> [Daniel:]
> > - Scrooge has a mansion and a butler 
> Only in "Christmas on Bear Mountain". He sold it shortly after, early
> 1948 I would guess - just read the end of Lo$. 

You're mixing your name cards again, Sigvald. Lo$ was NOT written by Carl 
Barks. Carl Barks NEVER wrote anything about Scrooge selling his mansion, and 
as far as I remember he never wrote anything about Scrooge living other places 
either. (And please don't mention Rosa's "The Beagle Boys vs. The Money Bin", 
or I will come down to Stavanger and slap you around a bit with a large trout!) 
Please, Sigvald - Carl Barks is Carl Barks, Don Rosa is Don Rosa! How hard is 
it to tell the difference?

> Don Rosa's Duck universe is one version of the original American Duck 
> universe. I can't see the problem here? 

Aw! Sorry for being plain RUDE, but... what? Do you think of Barks' opinions 
and Rosa's opinions as one because they are both Americans? So, Rosa can 
develop Barks' universe as much as he like, but the Italians can't? Isn't that 
a little... racist? TRUE, Don Rosa is working on Carl Barks' universe, not on 
the one developed by [other] Italians. But he still develops/changes quite a 
lot of it. Yes, he is American. SO WHAT? You can compare Don Rosa's stories to 
William Van Horn's or Geoffrey Blum's. They're all Americans. They're all the 
same, then?

> You may ask why I keep thinking that Don Rosa is so important.
> The reasons for that is that Don has put a lot of effort in
> explaining many important sides of the Duck-universe, like when
> and how Scrooge raised his Money Bin, how the Ducks is related,
> how HD&L joined TJW, how Little Helper was created, etc - and
> always by staying faithful to Barks. Even though this
> *don't* make Don a guru, it still IMO makes him important. 

Ah... You just make it sound as if all other writers don't give a damn.

Hugs and kisses,
Olaf the Blue

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