Various from AC

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald at
Sun Aug 10 19:57:57 CEST 2003

A.C. Sivebæk <anders_sivebaek at> wrote

>> Sigvald:
>> Or it again proofs his (IMO) lack of respect
>> for other artists, Barks included.
> To judge that, Sigvald, you have to read some
> of Blum's articles about Barks.

My view about G. Blum is based upon his stories (I have read the one
published in DD&Co last year - and I even got the first half of it in Danish
from you, remember) and the way he treats already established "facts" lice
Ms. Quackfaster's first name. What do you think our friend Cathy would say
if his next move is to rename Glittering Goldie's last name from the
established "O'Gilt" into something a-la "McKilt"?

> From what I've read I'd say he has that respect.

Maybe in words, but IMO not that much in his works. And it seems that I am
not the only one. Daniel J. Neyer recently said that he basically agree with
me when it comes to G. Blum. If Blum wants to do modern stories set in the
21st century he should come up with his own ideas and not use Barks' name to
get attention. From what I have read on DCML before Blum uses vague ideas
from Barks as basis for his stories apparently in order to get attention.

> AFAIK Mr. Blum wrote the preface for Rosa's
> Lo$ when it was published as a whole in the
> States, knwoing that i would expect that he
> has read and studied the story.

This only strengthen my point of view...

> Sigvald, you have to read some of Blum's
> articles about Barks. From what I've read I'd
> say he has that respect. I'd be happy to lend
> you some of the articles, so you can get the
> oppurtunity to read them

OK I'll be happy to read those articles if we meet at the Christmas meeting
– if not just bring them with you the next time you visit me here in Norway.

> Even though Little Wolf, as I do tend to call
> him...

A nice and IMO even correct name, AC. "Little Wolf" and "Big Wolf". In
Norwegian they are often called "Lille Ulv" and "Store Ulv". I guess that
the name "Little Bad Wolf" will always sound strange to me, but that's not a
big deal - right?


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