SV: Re: Wicca and religions

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald at
Mon Aug 11 18:43:37 CEST 2003

Kriton Kyrimis <kyrimis at> wrote:

> I would like to thank Sigvald for informing us
> that the religion that my ancestors had
> followed for millennia, and which was powerful
> enough for elements of it to survive in
> christianity, was actually a pseudo-religion.

First I said the exactly same about my ancestors pre-christian beliefs.
Secondly what I reffered to is what I believe is the view that is thought in
christian missionary schools and in ordinary universities in for instance
Norway - I might off course be wrong.

> By Zeus, I will now convert to one of the
> religions in his list of "real" religions,
> then embark on a campaign to slaughter all
> unbelievers, as their religion is obviously a
> false one...

Actually what you here states is one of the major difference between most of
the "World Religions" and for instance the old Greek, Roman or Germanic
pre-Christian beliefs: lack of tolerance towards other beliefs. But pleace
let me add that most of the world-religions has developed away from that
stadium a long time ago.


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