Sigvald: Italian stories keeping close to American 'originals'
Søren Krarup Olesen
raptus at
Sat Aug 16 18:34:29 CEST 2003
> a) The Italians have completely redrawn the Money Bin, they either
> don't like or they don't respect the original look Barks once gave
> it.
This word "respect" is beginning to give me the creeps, Sigvald. As if
your repetitive "name & reputation" statements weren't enough. Besides,
the "Italian" money bin looks mostly the same as the Barksian money bin.
Nothing has changed. Luciano Gatto drew a few stories where Scrooge
doesn't even live in this money bin construction at all...there are some
of those, and they are good stories anyway.
> b) The Italians have completely redrawn Miss (Emily) Quackfaster,
> they either don't like or they don't respect the original look Barks
> once gave her. Or perhaps $crooge's secretary in the Italian stories
> is a new character?
I don't think she is a new character as such, but she has indeed
developed a little bit. Sigvald, please try to understand that many
subordinary characters do change as time changes. The original
Rockerduck as presented by Barks in the 60s has developed into one of
the most significant and important character in the Italian stories. The
same goes for Hubbard's Fethry who after a few stories got another hair
cut--although the word "cut" is not too appropriate here ;-)
Characters *do* develop, Sigvald. Hence, there is no reason for you to
sit back moaning and displeased because something doesn't perfectly
match your Barks (Rosa) ideas. You assume that every writer must have
read Rosa and thus must call Quackfaster for Emily. AFAI remember
Egmont's "internal" name for her is "Typefast(er)" of something like
that. The "Emily" name is only known to me due to some indexing I do
from time to time.
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