Sigvald's universe
Kai Saarto
ksaarto at
Mon Aug 18 00:04:08 CEST 2003
Daniel van Eijmeren wrote:
>SIGVALD GROSFJELD to me, 17-08-2003:
>>>And that it's not up to you - or me - to tell which style and
>>>opinion is superior or inferior? Or do you like to *hurt* people
>>>by suggesting that your opinion is superior?
>>No I don't. I think however that what often have made me react is
>>when people for some reason seems to completely ignore Don Rosa's
>>explanations for things in the Duck-universe -
>Sigvald, there are people in this universe who call themselves serious
>readers and don't care about Don Rosa's work at all. Those people may
>be glad, they may be mad, they may be a little sad, (US 22) but they
>do have a right to live and enjoy discussing whatever they want to,
>without calling your favourite artist in order to make you happy.
>There also other people in this universe who just want to write about
>Disney comics, without naming your favourite artist. So, they are
>not "ignoring" Don Rosa, they're just discussing other subjects.
>And these people also have a right to live without being bothered by
>your erroneous, obsessed contributions, full of factual mistakes and
[Stepping out of temporal lurk-modus...]
Just wanted to say that this [ad nauseam] discussion about the
importance of Don Rosa is getting really tiresome as far as I'm
concerned. Is there anyone on this list who actually enjoys this?
I mean, all this discussion must be really tiresome for many and mostly
to Don Rosa himself. I consider him to be a friend and it really hurts
me to see that he is used as vehicle for petty arguing. I myself am a
huge fan of him, but I don't mind at all if someone doesn't mention him
in every possible conversation.
There are times when avoiding saying one's opinions is a good thing,
because it might offend somebody and generate useless fighting (matters
of taste can't really be argued). Everybody has a right to express
his/her opinions, but sometimes its just not a good idea. If you see
someone wearing a hat you consider to be ugly, you don't have to go over
and tell the person what you think of it.
I have no right to tell people that "you shouldn't write about this
topic, because I don't want to read about it", so ignore this at will.
Still, I have a profound feeling that this kind of discussion about Don
Rosa and his work is wrong. I believe it serves no purpose for majority
of readers, quite the contrary.
For Sigvald I'd like to say that Don is fully capable of defending his
own honor, if he feels it necessary. For those others who tend to reply
to Sigvald's sometimes inconsiderate and hasty messages: why not give it
a rest. I believe we all can form our own opinions about worth of each
message, so there is really no need for anyone to point out that
somebody said something "stupid" and then argue about it for days with
Sigvald has often good questions and he starts many good topics, yet all
this fighting seems to create unnecessary preconceptions against
everything he writes. I'm seeing a tendency where some people attack
Sigvald every time he writes anything by giving his words the worst
possible meaning. At least consider replying on private level when arguing.
Oh, and this reply was not particularly written with Daniel in mind. I
think your reply was very good except for the last three lines.
Sheesh. I used more than 2 hours on this single mail... luckily all of
you can delete this in a matter of seconds.
- Kai Saarto
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