DR vs Korhonen

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald at duckburg.dk
Wed Aug 6 04:05:18 CEST 2003

H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl wrote:

> And one more thing: the Dutch editors don't
> treat any writer or artist different from
> another. Rosa is a good writer. And (for
> instance) Korhonen is a good writer. There's
> no reason to treat Rosa's work differently
> from Korhonen's.

But such reasons does exist Harry, even though you and I may not like it.
Just remember that a few weeks ago our Danish friend AC Sivebaek told us
that Kalle Anka magazines containing Don Rosa stories are prised much higher
than other KA-magazines in some Swedish second-hand stores. Apparently the
store owners have been told to do so by an association called
"Seriefrämjandet". In the discussion following ACs comments about this on
DCML some people also stated that "...apparently the market is willing to
pay more for DRs stories than for other peoples stories".

So, Harry, whatever opinion you may have about the value of DRs stories,
fact is that it's easily possible to point out reasons why the Dutch or
other publishers could treat Don Rosa's work differently from the work of
other present artists like Korhonen.


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