About popularity of creators

timo ronkainen timoro at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 13 10:41:23 CEST 2003

>- There were three Rosa's albums here in Poland and, so far, no Barks'
>albums :-(

No Barks collections? Huh.. I hope there'll be soon.
How long you have had Disney comics weekly in Poland now? And how long they 
have printed credits?

>creator on my website a couple of months ago. Don Rosa won (45%), Barks was
>the second (18%), Vicar was the third (8%).

Did you have any other options? How many votes those other creators got?


Cartoonist - writer - donaldist -
Timo Ronkainen ---------------- -
YO-kylä 52 A 26 --------------- -
20540 Turku ------------------- -
Finland ----------------------- -
timoro at hotmail.com
timoro at sunpoint.net

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