AW: On Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse Strips

Cord Wiljes cord at
Mon Aug 25 16:22:49 CEST 2003

Cord wrote:
>> Yes, but this edition was printed without a licence, I
>> believe. And it is far out of the price range of most
>> comics fans.

Joakim wrote:
> If you are speaking of the German release I believe that it was
> issued with a licence. But I think that there are at least one or two
> versions made without licence.

The sets which are available are combined from two different editions:

Some volumes are red and contain single, unbound  sheets. They state
"Comic Buch Club Germany. Sammler Ausgabe limitiert auf 500 Examplare"
and have a (c) Disney (whether correct or fake I cannot judge)

The other volumes in the set are yellow and contain bound sheets (but in
the same format). They state "Verein Kultur der Völker Leipzig. Printed
and manufactured in the German Democratic Republic. Printrun (sic!)
limited to not over 300 copies" and also have a (c) Disney (but in this
case at least I can't believe that a communist country in the times of
the Cold War paid the Disney Company to publish Mickey strips).


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