The Self-Promotion of Keno Don Rosa..... rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
Mon Aug 11 20:41:06 CEST 2003

.....or "How To Tick off a Whole Lot of People With One Simple E-mail".

>> "If (Rosa) wants to do (old-fashioned) stories set in the (1950s)
>> he should come up with his own ideas and not use Barks' name to 
>> get attention. From what I have read on DCML before (Rosa) uses 
>> vague ideas from Barks as basis for his stories apparently in 
>> order to get attention."

So....let me get this straight....Don bases his stories on one of his favorite fictional writers of all time (supposedly one of the favorite fictional writers of all of us), and he gets blasted for it.

Don takes time out from an extremely busy schedule to answer the questions of his readers...and he gets blasted for it.  

He attempts to explain himself in a clear articulate manner (thereby granting more time than such messages deserve) and he gets blasted for it.  

What exactly do you want from him?  I may not like Geoffery Blum's stories, but at least I can come up with reasons about why I don't like them, and express that clearly and have a civil discussion about it.  You Rosa detracters can't even seem to do that.  

Oh, by the way, Sigvald....where exactly did you get that notion that's quoted above?  I'd like to see exact postings and quotes from Don that say something to the affect of "I use Barks references in my stories, not because I like and respect Barks' work, but because I want attention."  I think we'd all like to see those postings.  Until then, your argument has no base whatsoever.  

I applaud what Don has done for the hobby in every facet, from writing great stories, to being kind to his fans.  I hope he doesn't cease doing that based on the random assaults by a couple (or just one) of detractors.


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