Kriton Kyrimis
kyrimis at
Sat Aug 30 14:02:58 CEST 2003
> A witch (or warlock) is a supernatural being with inherent
> supernatural/magical powers
> Anyone can
> learn to become a sorcerer with great study of arcane knowledge found
> through long examinations and translations of ancient tomes and lots and
> lots of practice...
I can tell you right now, that my aunt, "witch" Hazel had a fit when she read
this. Are you implying that witches do not have to study? I'll have you know
that Auntie Hazel had to go through 149 grueling years of witch college
to get her witch's degree.
I sincerely hope that what she started cooking after she read your message is
nothing more sinister than parsnip pudding, as people have been known to use
wallnut shells for hats, after upsetting my aunt!
Seriously, it would seem to me that what you describe as the difference
between a sorceress and a witch is that between an amateur and a professional.
An amateur witch (a sorceress, by your definition) would be able to perform a
spell or two, probably without real knowledge of what they are doing, while a
professional witch, having studied *a lot* more (it's probably not a
coincidence that witches are usually portraid as old) can perform a lot more
magic than amateurs.
> witches are ugly old crones.
Auntie Hazel, why are you putting those bat wings in the cauldron? I thought
you were making parsnip pudding!
Kriton (e-mail: kyrimis at
"To let yourself grow old is suicide."
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