About popularity of creators

timo ronkainen timoro at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 12 10:15:17 CEST 2003

>>But is Barks really more popular than Rosa now?

How you measure popularity? By readership? So, Barks' and Rosa's collected 
works have been sold tens of thousands of copies, most likely hundreds of 
thousands. Average Disney-comics weekly have almost one million readers in 
Finland alone. Every other issue has Vicar drawn Donald story in it. So 
Vicar must be most popular by shere numbers (one million every other week). 
But he has not as much dedicated fans as Barks or Rosa. Most of the readers 
of the weekly doesn't even care much who've done this or that story, it's 
just fun to read and then throw it away.
Then, by numbers of fans Barks and Rosa have, they are much more popular.
For excample I've never seen as much people gathered together to just to see 
a comics artist than when Barks visited in Finland. And when he drove by in 
a limousine with the Mayor of Helsinki through the city to the Town Hall, 
both sides of the avenue was filled with cheering people. It was like some 
royal had visit in town. And the autograph line went straight down three 
stories from the hall of the hotel where Barks was signing, and out of the 
hotel door to the street.
Rosa have had almost as much people standing in line to get his autograph.
Vicar's visit in Finland was much more quieter.


Cartoonist - writer - donaldist -
Timo Ronkainen ---------------- -
YO-kylä 52 A 26 --------------- -
20540 Turku ------------------- -
Finland ----------------------- -
timoro at hotmail.com
timoro at sunpoint.net

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