Marco Rota's "From egg to duck" story

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Fri Aug 15 01:51:44 CEST 2003


> And of course, there's Carl Barks' Family tree. But even though 
> this was drawn as early as in 1950, it hasn't been published. 
> OK, it was published in CBL #6, but how many has this book? 
> (And when did it come? OK, I assume it was before 1984, when 
> "From egg to duck" was written, but anyhow this family tree was 
> NOT very well-known in Europe!)

Carl Barks Library set 6 was published in May 1990. 
That's about 6 years after Rota's story, but I couldn't care less. 
I enjoy the story, that's what matters for me.

> In addition, remember that we for decades had read in Italian 
> stories that Scrooge and Grandma were siblings.

I like this thought of Scrooge and Grandma being siblings, it brings 
them closer together in the Duck family.

> [...] maybe Rota simply didn't even KNOW that Barks thought that 
> Scrooge and Grandma were siblings... YES, I mean that in 1984 you 
> should be allowed to call yourself a Barksist without knowing this. 

I think that even TODAY, one should be allowed to call himself a 
"Barksist" without knowing this (IMO) rather unimportant fact. 

> Saying Scrooge were the brother of the wife of the son of Grandma 
> was as unlikely in Europe twenty years ago as it would have been 
> saying a thousand years ago that Earth were round as a ball.

The earth is WHAT??? :-)

--- Daniël

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