DCML:Duck art and plea

Madame Jennifer Inantaz madame82 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 20 21:34:27 CEST 2003

Replying to Katies question: I have one pitiful Disney Duck print....but 
it's one of the same as Katie's! 'Business Long Overdue'!.....>insert 
maniacal laughter<

I haven't been to ebay to buy stuff, so there. (v.v)* But I have a print 
with Goldie and Scrooge, and it's all minnnne...mine! *holds print while 
curled into a corner* "precioussssss".....


On another note to the various people involved: Pleeeeeaaaase stop fighting, 
and nitpicking at one another! It doesn't become you! I know you guys are 
much better, and nicer that you sound sometimes.
I haven't read *every* single solitary messege, but most all of them sound 
like very petty arguements. I don't care who started it.

I like Don Rosa, but I know others don't. I think of Rosa's and Barks' 
stories as sort of canon, but I know others don't; and reasonably so, every 
artist should be able to interpet the character as he or she chooses. 
They're *stories*, they're not enough to fight about.

*sob* Can't we all instead rally our powers and use them against aliens or 
Brutopians, or something?

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