name changes, definitions and more

Olaf Solstrand olaf at
Sun Aug 10 09:29:31 CEST 2003


> I'd have preferred Ms. Emily Quackfaster/Miss
> Typefast/Miss Florence Quackfaster's name to be consistent, but
> it's not something I'm going to lose any sleep over!)  ;)

My two cents of trivia, mixed with a little opinion: OK, I agree that this whole 
Emily/Florence matter should be consistent (but I don't lose my sleep over it 
either), but the "Typefast" is in my opinion a whole different issue. That's her 
British name, isn't it? Another name in another "language" - just as she's 
called Frøken Vable in Norwegian. Of course that's a little obscure - different 
name in American English and British English - but is it more obscure than that 
she's got a WHOLE different name from that in every other language it's 
published? I say ney.

> Um, well, you can be as open-minded as you like (and indeed it's
> something I would encourage) but it doesn't give you free
> license to make up your own definitions for words.  I realize
> English isn't your first language--and isn't for most of the
> people in this mailing list.  So allow me to clarify...
> Quoth
> cult:
> 1a.  A religion or religious sect generally considered to be
> extremist or false, with its followers often living in an
> unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian,
> charismatic leader. 
> 1b.The followers of such a religion or sect. 
> 2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual. 
> 3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious
> ceremony and ritual.  

Ah... Thank you for clarifying [my encyclopedia had only point 2]. Then, note to 
everybody, please forget everything I wrote about cults in my latest post.

> Um, isn't that one of the things we all admire about Barks?  His
> attention to historical detail?  His collection of National
> Geographics?  The fact that he didn't make up silly places and
> fake history to insult his readers' intelligence?

Certainly. By the way, did I tell you all about my holiday at Tralla La this 
spring? We had to middle-land in Brutopia to get there. Cheap hotels, but 
terrible weather.

Nah, I won't argue :-) I know that Barks in many stories actually used real 
places and real history. And I love the way he does it. But I still would have 
to say that Søren in my opinion is right here. First, Søren mentions "General 
'Disney Comics'", and that includes so much more than Carl Barks. Second, the 
problem here probably isn't that that Rosa uses historical facts and dates, but 
that he *circles* around them. That can Carl Barks never be accused for - VERY 
many of his stories, probably the majority, took place in Duckburg only.

I DON'T get cold in the way Søren does when reading stories circling around 
historical facts and dates - actually they make me warm. I like them. But still, 
Søren is in my opinion right when saying that Rosa's stories are not general 
"Disney comics" because they circle around facts and dates.


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