SV: Florence Quackfaster & Wicca again...

Rich Bellacera xephyr at
Sat Aug 9 20:09:37 CEST 2003

Sigvald said:

> Or it again proofs his (IMO) lack of respect for other artists, 
> Barks included.

You really don't want to open this can of worms, do you?  You're
not implying that you/your vision of the "Ducks" is better because
it "DOES" respect other artists, are you?  If so, where's Webby,
where's Gideon McDuck or Rumpus McFowl in your world... just to 
list a few items.

Donald sortof said:

> [sic] a bit about it" does not qualify you
> to pass judgment on the sincere beliefs of many
> decent people all over the world.

To which Sigvald replied:

> OK, you asked for it! I'll be open and tell you exactly what I 
> know about the Wiccas. Fact is that once I saw a Norwegian TV 
> program where a Norwegian Wicca-lady openly told about how at 
> least some wiccas practice nudism and sexual orgies out in the 
> forrests somewhere, to me that sounds more like a cult than a
> religion.

First, ONE television program doesn't qualify you (nor would a hundred) 
if this
is your reference point for such qualification.  On the other hand, to 
use your
standard, then Christianity also "sounds more like a cult than a 
religion" since
I've seen TV programs where people don't just "say" some Christians practice
nudism and sexual orgies, but actually take cameras to the places where 
practices occur and "document" it, they also have documented the 
practices of
how some Christians prove their faith by handling poisonous snakes in a 
where many often get bit and have serious life-long medical problems... 
and then
there are others..... well, I think you get my point.  If we judge ALL 
Christians by
the practices of some or, worse yet, the statements of a few, then 
surely Christianity
should be listed as a "cult" too..  Yes?

Rich Bellacera
xephyr at
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