Olaf: "Topolino Noir"
Olaf Solstrand
olaf at andebyonline.com
Wed Aug 20 20:01:34 CEST 2003
Quoting "M.J. Prior" <M.J.Prior at student.rug.nl>:
> I TL 2227-5 (På fel sida!) KAP 235
> I TL 2147-1 (Lång natt för kommissarie Klovén) KAP 212
> I TL 2196-1 (På spaning efter tomten) KAGJ 4
> I TL 2296-1 (Geniet i skuggan) J 2000-08
> I TL 2189-1 (Den otrolige Vladimir) KAP 224
> I TL 2238-4 (Svarte Petter som polis) J 1999-06
> I TL 2243-1 (Tidens flod) KAP 239
Dear Michiel;
Not only have these stories been printed in Norway, but many of them are among
my favorites. In fact, I think I TL 2147-1 is my number one favorite mouse
story ever! (if it can be called a mouse story, then...)
So, if the question was if SIGVALD has read this stories, we can conclude that
he has read many of them.
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