Question about Don Rosa's family tree

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Tue Dec 16 04:26:11 CET 2003

HARRY FLUKS to me, 15-12-2003:

>> [Don Rosa's family tree, D 11221]
>> See:

> Some time ago, we decided that the 2 versions are actually 1 item.
> But we forgot to remove the reference from one version to the other. 
> (We'll fix that.)

Can you also add the missing issue codes to the COA interface? At the 
moment, there are no issues codes shown at all. They can only be 
deciphered by looking at the URL.

>> - What is the difference between the two?

> One version has an extra sidebar with Daisy, the nieces, and Gyro. 
> The other version doesn't.

Was the sidebar added by Rosa, *after* the first publication(s)? 
Or was it deleted by the editor(s), in some publications?

If the sidebar was added by Rosa, after the first publication(s), 
then I'd say there are two versions instead of just one.

And is the sidebar the only difference, in the case of two versions? 
Or did Rosa make some changes in the main family tree itself? (No 
matter how small.) If the addition of the sidebar is the only change, 
then I'd give the sidebar an Inducks code of its own.

> Version without sidebar: Norwegian "Verdens Gang" of 1993-07-03

Is this an official publication? By Disney?

> Since Rosa made both versions to be published, neither (or both) 
> can be regarded "original". For practical reasons, we decided in 
> Inducks to call the version with sidebar "original", and the other 
> one "changed".

If Rosa made two versions by himself, then this solution is highly 
debatable. At least for me. 

But then, I *love* to debate. :-)

> In WDC 600, the version without sidebar was used (as you can see on COA).

No, I can't. I can only see that it has "changes". By just looking at COA, 
I cannot know if those changes are the very same as in other publications.
In other words: I got you here! (Didn't I?) :-)

--- Daniël

"Yikes! How can anything that stuffs itself with HAY be so HARD?"
Which Barks story? :-)

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