Gyro Gearloose's self-awareness

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Thu Dec 25 16:49:02 CET 2003

JOSEPH ADORNO, 17-12-2003:

> There are many gags about Gyro's fees for his services being 
> ridiculously low. I always thought his main concern was to just be 
> able to work on whichever idea pops out of his head before it begins 
> to stagnate, and be able to have the resources available to pull it 
> off. If he can keep working and live well comfortably in order to 
> pull off his inventions then there's no problem.

Nice interpretation. Next to this, I look at Gyro as a person who's 
desperately searching for recognition. I think that pride is involved, 
at least.

In Barks's stories, he's trying to get patents, which seem to get 
refused often; he's joining contests; and he gets angry when another 
inventor seems to be better than him. 

Maybe he rather wants to paid with *patents* and *copyrights*, instead 
of just money. Money evaporates after a while, and recognition might 
be everlasting.

Just some thoughts, as addition to your interpretation.

--- Daniël

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