Don Rosa stories in the Dutch weeklies

Bernard Slaa slaab14 at
Mon Feb 24 19:21:31 CET 2003

> ATTACHMENT part 3.5 message/rfc822 
> From: "Don Rosa" <donrosa at>
> To: <dcml at>
> Subject: Re: DCML digest #1272
> Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 08:58:09 -0500
> My stories are never used in the weekly
> JOURNAL DE MICKY, but seem
> the star of the monthly PICSOU; never used in the
> weekly TOPOLINO, but are
> prominent in the monthly ZIO PAPERONE; never used in
> the weekly Dutch DONALD
> DUCK, but used in the monthly DONALD DUCK EKSTRA and
> are the star of the OOM
> DAGOBERT album series. Seems like a good sales
> strategy.
Hi all!

This is the first time I post a message in this
mailinglist and I don't hope there are to much grammar
faults in this mail. Talking English is much easier
than writing it.

I want to react on stories used in the Dutch Donald
Duck weekly. Actually there where several stories of
Don Rosa published in the Donald Duck. The first that
I know of is the story: The Money Pit. It featured in
nr. 11 of 1992. I only found this one when I began to
search every comic in our house after stories of Don
Rosa. I haven't had (and still not have)a subscription
on the Donald Duck Extra. So I searched old Extra's,
Vacation Albums and other Donald Duck comics, mostly
bought on flea-markets, if there where any stories of
Don in it. They are very easy to find, because of the
very special style. So that was the first Don Rosa
story that I can recall that was in a Donald Duck
weekly. Also that was the only story that wasn't an
attachment in the way of a mini-comic insite the

Since the end of 1993 Donald Duck began to publish
once a year in the weekly a mini-comic with a longer
and (in my opinion) better story. Most of the times it
where stories of Carl Barks, such as "The Ghost of the
NotreDuck and Land Beneath The Ground" but in nr. 27
of 1999 there whas a little mini-comicbook for
promotion of the Donald Duck Extra. And the main story
was Don's "The Cowboy Captian of the Cutty Sark".
Since then there's, with exception of 2000, every year
one story, devited in two mini-comic issues in the
weeklies with stories of Don Rosa. In the numbers 13
and 14 of 2001 was the story: "The Three Caballeros
Ride Again" and in the numbers 21 and 22 of last year
(2002) was the story: "The Crown of The Crusader
Kings". Hopefully this year comes mayby in the
weeklies The Dream of a Lifetime, but I don't know for

This isn't well known by you, Don Rosa, because you
never got copies of your work that where published in
other countries as you've said many times know. And I
really think it's a shame that they don't send you one
single copy! I know that Goscinny always wanted, and
got, a comic of his Asterix albums so he could check
them for the correct translation.

By the way, for Dutch readers of the mailing list,
I've a good hunch that Don's story: Giro's First
Invention will be published in the Donald Duck Extra
nr. 4 of this year. For more information about that,
you can go too the following site:

Greetings Bernard Slaa

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