goofy Success Story Human Characters

Rob Klein bi442 at
Sun Jan 12 19:51:41 CET 2003

I apologise to Timo for my mistaken memory of "The Goofy Success Story".
All the non-"Disney Cartoon Characters" are, indeed, portrayed as humans.  
these "humans" are cartoony, and many have bulbous noses, others have thin 
noses. It is clear that the authors (and Editors) wanted a greater difference 
between the Disney film "stars" and the "real" public (you and I), who watch 
these cartoons. The readers could leave the "Disney comic universe" for this 
story, as 
its theme of Goofy's rise to popularity in the real world's film business had 
to correspond more to the real world.  The portrayal of all the non-cartoon 
stars as humans was necessary for the reader to make that connection from the 
story in the comic book to what they know about Goofy films (his being called 
Dippy Dawg at first, and his increasing popularity).


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