What is in the new Donald Duck Adventures pocket?

Ole Reichstein Nielsen oleroc at tdcspace.dk
Fri Jun 6 18:49:17 CEST 2003

Discussing the contents of upcoming Gemstone books one appears to have
been forgotten, the new format of an old title, Donald Duck Adventures.
(see http://www.silverbulletcomicbooks.com/news/104734321458280,print.htm)

This is the Take-Along series of pocket-books, which is referred to as
being 'Manga format', but may as well be described as Digest format,
which we may remember both from the Gold Key and Gladstone days.

Perhaps the high price of $7.95 hints at a more durable quality than
an ordinary pocketbook, since even in expensive Denmark, you get twice
as many pages for only about $6.

But at least for the contents you don't have to wait and see, because
all three stories from the first issue have already been published in
Egmonts pockets over the last few months:

Donald Duck: The Deep (D 99273) 48 pages, by Andreas Pihl/Massimo Fecchi
Found in Danish Jumbo 267.
Danish title is btw The Creature from the Black Lagoon, reminescent of an
old horror movie.

Mickey Mouse: Panicking Pachyderm (D 2001-032) 37 pages, by McGreals?/Xavi
Found in Danish Jumbo 270.

Uncle Scrooge: End of Days (D 2000-083) 39 pages, by Rune Meikle/M. Fecchi
Found in Danish Jumbo 264.
Unmentioned in the Gemstone press release, this is another parody, not of
a classic book, but rather a recent (neo-classic) movie, The Matrix.
Couldn't have been published at a more appropriate time...

With COA currently lost, you can't look for information about which issues
your country have as equivalents to the Danish. But the current Danish JB
is #270 so you may count your way backwards in months to arrive at the
approximate issue number, if you are up to date.

-- Ole

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