Duckburg Mayors / variety of animal-faces in Duckburg

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Fri Jun 6 23:36:38 CEST 2003

ROB KLEIN, 04-02-2002:

> I forgot to mention that Barks also drew a Duck Mayor, in 
> addition to Pigs and Dogs/Weasels.

Rob, you wrote this more than a year ago, but do you still remember 
in which story this Duck Mayor appeared?

BTW. Has anyone ever attempted to make a list of the different animal-
faces in Duckburg, apart from the well-known dog-faces, pig-faces, 
chicken(?)-faces (like Gyro) and rat-faces? 
I remember at least a hippopotamus-face, a horse/donkey-face, and even 
an elephant-face. And as far as I remember, these were NO art-only 
stories. A lot of people are interested in family-trees and Duckburg-
maps, so I think such a citizen-list might be a nice addition.

--- Daniël

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