Scrooge's other hat

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Tue Jun 10 05:09:47 CEST 2003

KRITON KYRIMIS, 08-06-2003:

> In "Lost Beneath the Sea", page 7, panel 8, Scrooge receives a 
> cablegram: "Cablegram for Mr. Scrooge McDuck!... Two more railroads 
> had wrecks! Six accordion factories folded up! Moths ate your extra 
> silk hat!" Thus, according to Barks, Scrooge had *two* silk hats, 

In "Clothes make the duck" (US 32), tramp Scrooge gets new clothes 
for free. His silk hat is very damaged and dirty. When he's presented 
in his new clothes, he has a shiny and clean silk hat. This could be 
the damaged and dirty silk silk hat, restored to make it look as new. 
But isn't that unlikely, and at least more expensive than a new silk 
hat? So, that's why I think this story could be an *indication* of 
another hat replacement.

In "The Golden River" (US 22), Scrooge's silk hat gets damaged by a 
stone falling from the waterfall. The hat keeps on being damaged in 
the rest of the story, up to the very last panel. (By the way, this 
is rather unique for a comic. Normally, damaged clothes restore 
themselves within a few panels.)

In "The Lemming with the locket" (US 9), Scrooge's silk hat falls into 
the water, with the lemming in it. I can't remember a replacement of 
the silk hat, but this little accident might be interesting to notice.

There's also a Scrooge gag (US 13) in which Scrooge has a different 
type of hat in the winter, to avoid his regular silk hat being damaged 
by snow balls.

In a Donald Duck gag (DD 51), Donald tries to sell Scrooge a comfortable 
hat. This gag has obviously been cut from a full page. (See Barrier.)
In this gag, at least as published, Donald has no success in selling 
Scrooge a hat.

--- Daniël

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