The Elusive Barks Quote

Carey Furlong stratocruiser at
Tue Jun 10 05:47:24 CEST 2003

In answer to the following quote, "Daniel van Eijmeren wrote:
> > "What puny marks men make on the face of the land."
> I still have no idea. Without checking, my guess would be "Want to buy
> an island" (WDC 235). The scene where Donald discovers strange spots
> on "his" island. Otherwise, I admit that I need a hint.
> It *is* a Barks quote, right?
> I found out that it's far easier to mention a quote, than to
> guess one. :-)

No, Danikl, it's not "Want to buy an island," WDC 235, and yes, it is a
Barks quote.

What's funny is I really did think you knew the answer right off, and you
were being polite by not solving it immediately, giving others a shot at it.
This, of course, deflated my ego quite effectively, and I spent all weekend
trying to think of other quotes that might stump you! (LOL!)

Here's a fairly good hint from the same story:

"My Bin and my ground and my ways will stay the same forever."

Carey Furlong

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