Barks Quiz--"Travel by DAYLIGHT" lgiver at
Fri Jun 20 16:50:20 CEST 2003

Here's the quote in "Christmas in Duckburg", first published
in Christmas Parade #9, 1958;
on page 10, panel 2, Donald is told "So you'll have to
leave right away, as you'll only be able to travel by
daylight!"   The headlamp of the train engine was
smashed by the Beagle Boy's club, shown in panel 1.
Donald and HDL have come to Canada to take
Scrooge's 100-foot Christmas tree to Duckburg,
but Ollie Eiderduck hired 2 Beagle Boys to cut 20 feet
out of the middle of the tree, which they do on the next
page.  The story doesn't show how they joined the
2 sections left----sounds like a good trick!
      It took a while to find this quote, as I had misread
the clue, and was thinking of stories where traveling
had to be done only at night, instead of daylight.
                                    Best wishes,    Larry Giver.

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