Donald's parents

Petri Kanninen pkannine at
Fri Mar 28 12:14:29 CET 2003

>In Lo$ part 10b - "The Sharpie of The Culebra Cut" (1906) both Donald's
>mother and her sister Mathilda goes with Scrooge to Panama. Donald's
>father is *not* mentioned at all. During this trip Donald's mother shows
>as great interest for "cowboys" as before she met her later husband
>Quackmore Duck.

first thing that comes into my mind is that Quakcmore and Hortensia are
both quite quick to anger. So probably their relationship wasn't too
steady and they had many fights and break-ups before finally getting
married. Maybe they were having a big fight and Hortensia went with
Scrooge to get away from him.

Petri Kanninen (pkannine at
Aku Ankan taskukirja -tietokanta:

"Toivon, että lyhyt ja ytimekäs esitykseni valaisi teille, arvon
yleisö, miksi makkaran päiden lukumäärän vakioiminen
kolmiuloitteisessa liha-avaruudessa on paitsi haastavaa, myös
ensiarvoisen tärkeää." -Taavi Ankka

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