Ducks, eggs, human beings: the ultimate solution

Olaf Solstrand olaf at
Tue May 13 03:28:05 CEST 2003

> The one piece of evidence he claims to
> have is a supposed "mammal-birth" by Grandma Duck.  I admit that I do not
> have my copy of the story available, but if memory serves, I believe that
> story only depicted Grandma Duck as "pregnant" and did not show her
> actually "giving live birth" to a Duckling.

No, GD was not shown pregnant in this story. She was inside the house (we
didn't even SEE her), Humperdink were outside talking to a painter, and she
screamed to him that her water had broke or something. After a short pun he
ran in, and that was all we saw of that.

But like you I don't have my copy of the story available, so for all that I
know your memory could be better than mine.

Olaf the Blue

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