SV: Re: Bullshit

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald at
Thu May 15 00:51:58 CEST 2003

Olaf Solstrand <olaf at> wrote:

> I heard that they will put it on the front
> when _my_ first story comes (in Norway,
> that is) in six weeks - does that prove that
> I am a very important creator?

They'll do it because you are a Norwegian. And I guess the most important
such these days!

> I guess they feel that putting his name on
> front pages would SELL more.

Indeed. And why? I guess because he's impotant.

> Romano Scarpa has been writing Disney stories
> since Don Rosa were in diapers (give or take a
> year or two), and is still active today.
> Besides writing, he has given A LOT to the
> Mouse- and Duck-universes through new
> characters and new sides of the characters.
> If FIFTY YEARS of EXCELLENT writing, art and
> development doesn't qualify him to be "of the
> major famous creators", I don't see why
> Don Rosa is so different.

Romano Scarpa IS among "the major famous creators".

> (The life and times of Scrooge McDuck XIII).

Oooops, Olaf - V not X - Lo$ part VIII is the correct number.

>> So I hope that you was just kidding here
>> - and not seriously attacking Don Rosa's
>> name and reputation?
> Don Rosa, if you're reading this: If you feel
> that I attack your name and reputation by
> writing this, please let me know. That surely
> was not my intention.

No it was not, even I can see that now.

Sigvald :-)

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