The first Flinthearth's non-barksian story

KUR ggk at
Mon Nov 10 23:13:08 CET 2003

> To Katie, and for who's intertested in this issue: it seems that the very
> first Flinthearth's non-barksian story is Italian, and specifically  Zio
> Paperone e il bisbilione, written by Osvaldo Pavese, art by Giuseppe
> in  "Topolino" n. 608  (23-07-1967). Since the art is quite - AHEM,
ER... -
> not oustanding, the story is not so famous; indeed it's quite important,
> because shows the first (and only?) team-up Scrooge-Flintheart-Rockerduck,
> and even if Flintheart is in Duckburg (but it's not written that he
> there) it's clearly shown a difference between his personality and
> Rockerduck's one.

Sow there were a "Flintheart meet Rockerduck" story!
Im happy theat were adlise one story wen they aperd together!


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