AW: DCML Digest, Vol 8, Issue 41

Cord Wiljes cord at
Mon Oct 20 17:23:26 CEST 2003

Soeren wrote:

> Interesting though, the opposite has its niche. There is the saying
> "to sell something for small money" (etwas für kleines Geld
> verkaufen) when a seller wants to praise that it's cheap or he won't
> gain much from the deal. I've never heard of "selling something for
> big money", though - (no big advertisement in that...)

That's probably because money with little value (mostly coins) is called
"Kleingeld" (="small money") while the more valuable banknotes are _not_
called "Großgeld" ("big money"). Ils sont fos, ces Allemagnes!


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