About Pigs and Terries and Fermies

Olivier mouse-ducks at wanadoo.fr
Mon Sep 1 12:09:00 CEST 2003


>>> Recently some of my favourite Barks characters the Terries and Fermies
>>> ("Land Beneath the Ground" was one of the very first long Barks tales
that I
>>> ever read) have been mentioned here on DCML.

One of  my favorite stories too. It's the first Gladstone comic (with a
cover by Don Rosa) that I found, in 1994; I had only a very faint memory of
this story (mostly that it was good); this comic put me on trh trail of
Gladstone's comics, adn I visited their office the next year, to buy the
Micky Mouse in Color book, and subscriibe to the on-going WDC&S and DDA

>>>AFAIK Barks intended them to be colored with one color only,
>>>and that would be with the color of the surrounding rocks -
>>>just like the Square eggs in "Lost in the Andes" - why
>>> else would our Duckburgian friends mistake them for being rocks?

That's what I thought too. Since they're very nice in those bright colors in
Gladstone's issue, I colored my Terry-Fermy smileys that way too, but I also
made gray and brown versions for realism's sake.


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