Original American names needed (W DD 136-01,W DD 116-05 and S 63051)

Goofy313g@aol.com Goofy313g at aol.com
Tue Sep 2 00:39:52 CEST 2003

I still need the original names of the following characters:

- Vic Lockman and Mike Aren's "Why All the Crabby Ducks?" (W DD 136-01, 
arelative of Donald, called "Tapfou" in French, and "Fjollerik And" in 

- Strobl and Lockman's "The Doony Desert Dilemma" (W DD 116-05, 1968):
A cousin of Scrooge, called Degenhart Duck in German.

- Jack Bradbury's "Farm Education" (S 63051, "Topolino" #423, 1964):
Donald's cousin who lives in a farm, called "Grandavoine" in French and 
"Fætter Farmer"  in Danish.

If anybody can help, that'd be cool
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