AW: The origin of Uncle Scrooge

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Tue Sep 23 02:36:49 CEST 2003


>> [Daniël seems] to be suggesting that Carl Barks would have liked 
>> ownership of Scrooge for himself. Have you ever read anything 
>> about his actual opinions on the subject?

> I understood Daniel's comment as an analogy: If Barks had wanted
> to copyright Scrooge (which he did not and could not due to his
> contract with Western and the similarity to the Disney ducks in
> general) he would have run into the problem that a character 
> already existed which was _very_ similar to his Scrooge McDuck, 
> namely the duck from Disney's "Spirit of 43s".

Yes, Cord, this is what I meant.

By the way: 

Barks has drawn a rich uncle before he created Scrooge, in the (very 
funny) Barney Bear and Benny Burro story about ferocious uncle Grizzly 
(OG 33). It was accepted on 18 November 1946. Barks was paid for art 
and rewriting of script. 

Scrooge's debut 'Christmas on Bear Mountain' (OS 178) was accepted on 
22 July 1947.

--- Daniël

"My heart is sputtering like a popcorn machine! Get me to BED! Gasp! Gasp!"
(Which Barks story?)

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