Who is this Wolf character?

Rich Bellacera xephyr at cwnet.com
Tue Sep 23 02:24:06 CEST 2003

That's "Meana Wolf."  She does indeed appear in French Wolf stories, but 
she originated in a USA story
She was a tough little tomboy who was raised with three brothers and was 
probably tougher than they were.
Zeke thought it would be a good idea to introduce her to Li'l Bad in 
hopes that she would have some influence
on him and make him tougher.  Unfortunately the plan backfired and she, 
instead, became "nice."  Her father
then showed Zeke what he thought of him making a sissy out of his little 
girl!  Since then Li'l Bad and Meana
have been very good friends.

-Rich Bellacera
xephyr at cwnet.com

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