"new in America" Launchpad story

YMH@aol.com YMH at aol.com
Mon Sep 29 04:17:24 CEST 2003

In a message dated 9/28/2003 6:01:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
dcml-request at stp.ling.uu.se writes:
Gemstone's publishing a "new in America" Launchpad story in, I think, 
Donald Duck and Friends #309. (The uncertainty is that I'm writing this 
at home, where absolutely no Gemstone production materials exist, and 
it's the weekend, during which the memory of what goes on at the office 
is largely purged until Monday.) It's only a backup, and hardly likely 
to revive Launchpad's comic book fortunes by itself, but we like the 
character, and think he deserves a shot.
Huh. I'm kinda surprised he's covered by your liscense. Didn't I read 
somewhere that it doesn't cover the more modern characters?
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