The Stone That Turns All Metals Gold

Theresa Wiegert theresaw at
Sat Apr 3 03:24:58 CEST 2004

On Sat, 3 Apr 2004, Daniel van Eijmeren wrote:

> So, 'Letter From Home' is not a story to look forward to, for me. I'm
> afraid this story will be yet another Barks revisit. I prefer reading
> the original story, and brand-new stories which are inspired with new,
> FRESH subjects.

ohoh! I sense negativism here (correct me if I'm wrong!). But. If you
haven't read it yet, you're now prejudging it, which I never think is
fair. Perhaps I'm biased because of my love for old castles and everything
involved in that, but I loved it... There's definitely a new subject (or
way of describing something) in it, which surprised me at first, but now I
just think it is very cool...
Although - it's sometimes better to have low expectations of something, so
stick to that if you like, because then you like it all the more when it
turns out to be so much better.

I like the discussion of universes btw (i.e. the notion of creating your
own). And I like the way Rosa is making an own Universe, I felt it
strongly in 'a letter from home', it's far from the Barks Universe, which
to me is good (don't misinterpret me, I love the Barks Universe, but yes,
Rosa's is definitely a separate one)


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