
Klartekst info at klartekst.no
Fri Apr 9 15:16:30 CEST 2004

Soeren raises an extremely interesting question:

<Were we whackos from the beginning who thus (among
other things) read comics, or were we driven into other strange things
by first, initially reading comics?>

I can only answer for myself. I have always been whacko, and if it hadn't 
been comics it would have been something else. One of my more bizarre 
interestst is streetcar spotting. I write down the numbers and types of 
electric streetcars. Luckily, I live close to Oslo who has many of them. My 
wife is only mildly amused when I say "This is 116. We rode it two years 
ago, remember?" As for my children, they tolerate me. But my grand children 
think I'm cool.

To bring this back on topic: It seems the Duck stories are commercial 
enough to attract a large number of readers. But at the same time they have 
that extra ingredient that appeal to some of us whackos.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this? Did anyone out there BECOME whacko 
by reading Duck comics?

Nils Smeby

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