Correction about Mermaid Queen rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
Fri Apr 9 15:39:02 CEST 2004

Last night, I re-read some of those late Barks Scrooge stories to see if they were as lackluster as I remember them being.  Imagine my red face when I discovered that I had made a mistake in my description of Hall of the Mermaid Queen!  No, I didn't find that I liked it, but I did find that the nephews didn't learn judo, it was Donald.  Now....I suppose I can accept the possibility of Huey, Dewey and Louie picking up judo somewhere along the line, but Donald?!  He can't do anything right, much less pick up judo (though I'd love to see a Van Horn story where he tries to).  Not that a little out of character trait will ruin a story for me.  What ruins it is that it's a rehash of 'Lost Beneath the Sea', which while good, was never a classic to begin with.  

One story that *did* surprise me upon rereading was 'The Phantom of Notre Duck'.  The story isn't all that wonderful, but it's obvious that Barks was really enjoying himself while drawing the interiors and exteriors of the cathedral.  This is, I think, some of his finest later art.  

(who's favorite later Barks story is 'Billion Dollar Safari')

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