Donald Duck and Friends ZeldasTriforce at
Mon Dec 6 03:35:03 CET 2004

Hi Fabio! :)

I personally don't subscribe to DDF, I just buy it from the comic book store 
every month. My shop offers a 10% discount if you buy more than 5 titles 
regularly per month and since Gemstone charges the cover price as the subscription 
price, for me that's the way to go.

In your case, living outside the US, subscribing probably is the cheapest way 
to go. I think DDF is a pretty good comic. Some months are better than 
others, but some real gems pop up in there. If you need any help finding back 
issues, my shop has almost all of the DDF back issues for $3 each (last time I 
checked). So if you have any trouble finding old issues, maybe we can arrange to 
find and ship the issues you need.

Derek Smith
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