Daisy, AMJ and Gladstone

Herbert Snorrason methanal at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 15:48:12 CET 2004

On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 14:50:03 +0100, Lars Jensen <lpj at forfatter.dk> wrote:
> If Daisy's brother is the father of HDL, that makes HDL and AMJ
> cousins. Not distant cousins, but first cousins.
Hm. Through another sibling of Daisy, then, or..?

> And in some places -- including, I believe, certain states in the
> USA -- a romantic relationship between first cousins is incest.
WTF? You're serious?

Such connections litter (relatively) recent European history, and may
quite possibly have been even more common before.
I thought people were complaining that there was *more* choice in
mating now than ever before, not that the circles had been restricted.
Schwäche zeigen heißt verlieren;
härte heißt regieren.
  - "Glas und Tränen", Megaherz

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