
Eta Beta eega at supereva.it
Wed Feb 18 09:02:16 CET 2004


>What is the Origin of Ellsworth's surname name "Bhezer"?  Or is it
actually a 
>surname?  Did it originate with Bill Walsh in the early comicstrips or
>with the Italians such as Romano Scarpa?

First time I see this name, I don't think it was ever used in Italy.

>Also is it correct that the name "Bruno" was once used by the Italians
>before it was replace by "Gancio"

Don't think so, again never seen it used.

>Ellsworth's son alternately known as "Gancetto" and "Bruto" by Italians?

That's not "alternately known", Bruto is the name, Gancetto is a
nickname, meaning "Little Gancio", i.e. son of Gancio, or Junior
if you want... :-)


Eta Beta

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